One Piece’s Hiroshi Kitadani has returned to share a special single take performance of the anime’s very first opening theme, “We Are!” One Piece has entered a new era of the anime as the series has started to adapt the Final Saga of Eiichiro Oda’s original manga series. It’s also the 25th Anniversary of the One Piece anime release itself, and so for the occasion, the anime brought back Hiroshi Kitadani to perform the newest opening theme for the now ongoing Egghead Arc, “A-su!” But that’s far from the only new performance fans are getting to see from Kitadani.ย
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As the very first opening theme heard for the long running anime series, “We Are!” has reached legendary status with One Piece fans as the series has used the theme as a core theme song for the franchise overall (even making a small appearance in the live-action Netflix series next year). Now it’s living all over again as Hiroshi Kitadani has performed the theme song in a single take with the latest episode of The First Take web series (which challenges artists on a live performance of their work in a single take). Check it out below.ย
How to Watch One Piece Anime
Hiroshi Kitadani has returned to perform the new opening theme for One Piece’s Egghead Arc, “A-su!” The ending theme, titled “Dead Sunrise,” is even performed by a returning Maki Otsuki, who performed the anime’s very first ending theme as well. This is all because One Piece: Egghead Arc has kicked off the anime’s adaptation for the first major arc of the Final Saga of Eiichiro Oda’s original manga series. You can find the newest episodes ofย One Pieceย now streaming with Crunchyroll,ย and they will begin streaming with Netflix on January 13th as well.ย
New additions to the voice cast for the arc include the likes of Yohei Tadano as Dr. Vegapunk, Shuhei Sakaguchi as Shaka, Aya Hirano as Lilith, Ryoko Shiraishi as Edison, Tokuyoshi Kawashima as Pythagoras, Kaede Hondo as Atlas, and Mutsumi Tamura as York. This arc is currently unfolding in the One Piece manga’s current chapters, so it’s still unclear what kind of heights the anime will be getting into in the future. So it’s the perfect time to tune in.ย
Where does One Piece’s first opening theme rank among your favorite anime openings ever? Let us know all of your thoughts about it in the comments! You can even reach out to me directly about all things animation and other cool stuff @Valdezology on Twitter!