
Pokemon Journeys Preview Teases Moltres’ Appearance

Pokemon Journeys: The Series is teasing Moltres’ big appearance in the anime with a preview for […]

Pokemon Journeys: The Series is teasing Moltres’ big appearance in the anime with a preview for the next episode of the series! Pokemon Journeys has been a season of the anime unlike any other as Ash Ketchum and new hero Goh have spent the duration of the season exploring every region of the franchise introduced thus far rather than just focus on the newest Galar region. These adventures have resulted in some cool run-ins with plenty of Legendary Pokemon already, and a fiery new run-in is on the way with the next episode as part of a huge new arc.

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The next episode of Pokemon Journeys (now airing in Japan) will kick off the brand new “Project Mew” arc that sees Ash and Goh heading to Pallet Town to help Professor Oak on a new mission, and it seems this big return is already paying off in spades as Ash, Goh, and the returning Gary Oak soon come across the fiery Legendary Bird Pokemon Moltres. Check out a tease of its return with the preview for Episode 68 below thanks to @AnipokeFandom on Twitter:

Episode 68 of Pokemon Journeys is titled “A Rival for Goh?! The Path to Mew!!” and the synopsis for the episode begins by teasing what we can expect from Moltres’ return in the next episode, [Ash and Goh visit the Oak Laboratories in Pallet Town] for the first time in quite a while. There, [Goh] learns from [Professor Oak] that ‘Project Mew,’ a team that will be making a full-scale search for Mew, is recruiting members.”

The second half of the synopsis is more intriguing, however, with teases about a returning Gary Oak and even Ash’s returning Infernape, [Ash] also learns that the [Infernape] he left in the care of the [Oak Laboratories] hasn’t shown itself recently, so he decides to go look for it together with [Goh]. And believe it or not, along the way they encounter [Ash’s] childhood friend and rival [Gary].”

What do you think? Are you excited to see Moltres in action again with Pokemon Journeys‘ next episode? How do you think this legendary battle will go? Let us know your thoughts in the comments or you can even reach out to me directly about all things animated and other cool stuff @Valdezology on Twitter!