Rick and Morty Season 7 is now well underway following its premiere on Adult Swim last week, and now it’s time for the next major episode of the season! Rick and Morty Season 7 kicked off its newest season not with an update on what could be happening with Rick Prime, but instead a more episodic adventure that reintroduced fans to Rick and his group of friends that we haven’t seen in action for quite a while. The second episode follows in this path as it’s another episodic story reintroducing fans to Rick’s ongoing dynamic with Jerry.ย
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Except it’s much different this time around as Rick and Jerry kick off the episode with a body swap that ends up going in a much darker route than any of the body swap stories fans might have seen in the past, science fiction, comedy or otherwise. It was a wild start to what is a very eye-opening look into how Rick and Jerry operate and how they actually feel about one another. Here’s everything that went down in Rick and Morty Season 7 Episode 2, “The Jerrick Trap”:

What Happens in Rick and Morty Season 7 Episode 2?ย
- The episode begins with Jerry approaching Rick for help with a “rake situation.” He thinks Gene has taken his rake, but Rick refuses to help because he feels it’s beneath him. Jerry accuses Rick of wasting such a smart brain, and Rick is so insulted by the thought of Jerry being able to use Rick’s brain better that he switches their minds to see what his body can really do. But when Rick awakes in Jerry’s body, he’s soon taken over by the horror of it that he takes his own life. Jerry, in Rick’s body, gets hurt by Rick’s many body gadgets and dies.ย
- Following the opening credits, Morty has been captured by a mafia group when he’s been selling crystals on their turf. The boss decides to let him go because Morty rolls with Rick, and he’s clearly got a full runway to do whatever he wants because of Rick’s reputation. Cutting back to Rick and Jerry, it’s revealed that the garage put them back together by shuffling together parts of their brains. Meaning that the both of them have both of their minds in both of their bodies.ย
- The mafia boss then calls Rick, and Rick and Jerry fight over how to handle the call. The two of them then need to figure out how to work together now that they are in both of their bodies, and continue to argue over which of them is “half Jerry.” Rick and Jerry continue to argue, and the mafia boss goes from trying to kiss Rick’s butt to trying to take him down. A full shootout breaks out, and Morty’s in danger. When the two find they both care about Morty, they decide to work together and kill every alien there (with the final shot seeing Jerry riding on a Rick with a Conehead implant like a missile).ย
- Following the mission, Rick and Jerry start to bond even further as neither one continues to be Rick nor Jerry. The two bond even further as the better part of their personalities start to gel (like figuring out that Gene really did take Jerry’s rake). But finding out that they are happier this way without the real Rick and Jerry holding them back, the two decide to run off on their own without fixing their brains as they previously promised.ย
- It’s then revealed Rick and Jerry formed a new crime duo (in Hawaiian shirts) stealing crystals from goons, and the mafia starts making their move. When Morty, Beth, and Summer try and find them at one of their hit spots, the mafia boss (named Chuxly) captures them and calls Rick and Jerry for a ransom. Rick and Jerry start to reflect on everything that’s happened between them and that it was loving their family did it to begin with, they decide to go back and help.ย
- It’s soon revealed that Jerry and Rick had another idea to fuse their most positive aspects of the both of them into one mutant being named “Jerricky.” Not only does Jerricky have fighting skills and Rick’s body gadgets, but even psychic powers. Chuxly and the rest of the mafia die as it remains awkward for the rest of the family with Jerricky. Jerricky plans to leave soon, and explains that their two previous selves were named “Burger and Fries.”
- Claiming that Rick and Jerry have died as they once were, Jerricky prepares to leave. Before he does, Gene then tells the truth and says he took Jerry’s rake as a way for them to stay in each other’s lives. When it doesn’t change Jerricky’s mind and they want to leave, Jerricky steps on a rake as Rick’s mind breaks through and says that a “Memory Rick” was stashed inside of Jerry’s mind knowing they would need to revert back it at the end of it all.ย
- Rick and Jerry return to fighting with one another learning nothing from the adventure they went on together, and it’s clear nothing has changed despite how close they were when their brains were one. The post-credits scene visits the Memory Rick that had been trapped within Jerry’s mind as he tried his best to escape, and was even dealing with a “Memory Gene” within Jerry the whole time.ย
What did you think of Rick and Morty Season 7 Episode 2? Let us know all of your thoughts about it in the comments! You can even reach out to me directly about all things animation and other cool stuff @Valdezology on Twitter!