Cartoon Network’s programming block Toonami has introduced anime fans to several series that they might have otherwise had never encountered, and now the classic anime series of Ronin Warriors is making the jump to the streaming service of Retro Crush next month. The streaming platform offers anime fans a free collection of series to browse through, incorporating ads to help cover overall costs and having already bolstered its roster with the likes of Street Fighter 2: The Animated Movie, Astro Boy, City Hunter, Bubblegum Crisis, Cyborg 009 and much more.
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Ronin Warriors first hit the television market as a thirty-nine-episode anime under the name of Legendary Armor Samurai Troopers, taking a page from the likes of Sentai and Shonen series by incorporating several transformation sequences that helped the franchise stick out. Produced by Sunrise, the same company responsible for the likes of Mobile Suit: Gundam, Cowboy Bebop, and Inuyasha to name a few, it eventually landed on Cartoon Network’s Toonami following a run on syndicated airwaves in 1995 after originally airing in Japan. Surprisingly enough, Ronin Warriors did receive a manga adaptation as well, but only after the anime had already made the rounds on the small screen.
In a world of streaming services that are attempting to corner the market when it comes to anime properties, Retro Crush took a decidedly different approach to their service, collecting long lost anime series that otherwise might not have found a home when it came to airing on North American television and computer screens. Launching in 2020, Retro Crush might not offer the same series as the likes of Crunchyroll, Hulu, and HBO Max, but it definitely is aiming to fulfill a niche that otherwise might not have been focused on.
As mentioned earlier, Ronin Warriors’ big push was on the programming block of Toonami, Cartoon Network’s original platform for presenting a number of anime series to new fans. Starting its tenure with Cartoon Network in 1999, Ronin Warriors ran until 2001, going through the series a few times, before once again exiting the channel. With the series not having a home for some time, we imagine there are definitely a few fans that are anticipating Ronin Warriors’ return on March 5th.
Will you be binging the classic anime series when it lands next month on Retro Crush? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of Toonami.