Shaman King has confirmed its coming to Netflix with a brand new trailer! The rebooted anime take on Hiroyuki Takei’s classic manga series will be bringing it into a brand new era 20 years after the original anime adaptation first debuted. But while that first series had to have its own original ending due to the manga’s hiatus and cancellation, this new anime has a better shot at taking on the complete version series Takei was able to released years after the fact. As one of the most anticipated releases of the year overall, now fans can anticipate its launch with Netflix.
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Netflix has released a new trailer for the upcoming Shaman King reboot anime series, and while it’s slated for a release in April in Japan fans in other territories will have to wait just a bit longer. For example, its current listing for North America confirms a release in 2021 but has not confirmed a more direct release date. You can check out the new trailer in the video above!
Shaman King‘s new anime series will be directed by Joji Furuta (The Seven Deadly Sins: Revival of The Commandments) for studio Bridge (Fairy Tail), and Megumi Hayashibara will be returning to perform the new opening and ending themes just like the artist did for the first series 20 years ago. The new opening theme will be titled “Soul salvation,” and the new ending theme is titled “#Boku no Yubisaki.”
The series will feature some new cast additions, but the majority will be returning from that 2001 series as well with Katsuyuki Konishi as Amidamaru, Megumi Hayashibara as Anna Kyoyama, Minami Takayama as Hao Asakura, Masahiko Tanaka as Ryunosuke Umemiya, Wataru Takagi as Tokagero, Inuko Inuyama as Manta Oyamada, Romi Park as Tao Ren, Michiko Neya as Tao Jun, Yuji Ueda as Horohoro, Nana Mizuki as Tamao Tamamura, Takehito Koyasu as Faust VII, Yoko Soumi as Lyserg Diethel, and Motoko Kumai as Joco McDonnell.
But what do you think? Are you excited to see the new Shaman King anime is coming to Netflix? Are you bummed to find out that means you’ll have to wait longer to see it in action? Are you just excited to see a new take on Hiroyuki Takei’s series? Let us know your thoughts in the comments or you can even reach out to me directly about all things animated and other cool stuff @Valdezology on Twitter!