One of the most gorgeous, uniquely animated paranormal series from 2020 has finally returned after nearly five years with a second season. Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun, based on the original manga by creative duo Aidaro has finally returned to continue Hanako and Nene’s misadventures dealing with iconic school ghost’s from Japanese urban legends after leaving audiences holding their collective breath when Season 1 ended. The new trailer shows what appears to be a significant improvement in animation quality, and hints at some of the major events that take place in the manga’s Clock Keepers and Picture Perfect story arcs. The new season could also finally adapt the Young Exorcist story arc, which, in the timeline of the series, should have been in the anime’s first season.
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Studio Lerche will be returning to animate Season 2, with Youhei Fukui (My Hero Academia Season 2, Bakugan: Evolutions) set to direct the series. The main cast will remain the same as it was in the first season, with Masayoshi Oishi (Overlord) providing vocals for the series’ new opening song while ANCHOR composes the main theme.
Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun Offers Anime Fans Everything They Could Want From the Supernatural
Much like the action-packed supernatural anime Dandadan, Toilet-Bound Hanako-Kun puts a unique spin on classic Japanese folk stories by spinning them to fit the story’s specific world-building and situation. The series primarily follows Nene Yashiro, a first-year high school student who wants nothing more than for her crush to return her feelings. To try and win his heart, Nene unwittingly participates in an occult ritual that causes her to become afflicted by the Mermaid Curse. Not wanting to be turned into a literal fish, Nene makes a deal with the ghostly spirit Hanako to prevent her from turning into a fish – given that she doesn’t become submerged in water. To repay him, Nene is forced to become Hanako’s assistant and help him spread rumors and stories about different supernatural beings residing within the school.
Toilet-Bound Hanako-Kun has something for everyone. In addition to an intriguing supernatural mystery that effortlessly builds itself up over time, the series has a visually unique and striking art style that makes it easy to get drawn into each paranormal entity Nene and Hanako investigate. Plus, just beneath the surface of the series core narrative, there’s loads of character development and angst that gets explored in a staunch, brutally human way. The series truly has something for anime fans from every corner of the community, and with the new season dropping in January 2025, there’s no better time to get caught up with Season 1 to prepare for the paranormal ride of a lifetime.