Yuri!!! on Ice Co-Creator Gives Update on Movie

Much of the world may be under quarantine because of the novel coronavirus, but that doesn't mean [...]

Much of the world may be under quarantine because of the novel coronavirus, but that doesn't mean the Yuri!!! On Ice movie has to suspend production. A new post from artist Mitsurou Kubo proved as much recently as the co-creator of Yuri!!! On Ice confirmed she is working diligently on the anime's movie from the safety of her home. And as you can imagine, fans are beyond thrilled with this update on the film.

Recently, Kubo took to Instagram to address her personal life with fans. It was there the artist admitted she has lived alone for a number of years, and she has got her mind focused on one thing. According to a report by Anime News Network, Kubo has a "burning desire" to continue working on Yuri!!! On Ice so that fans have something to see once this quarantine is finally over.

"I've been living alone for a long time, and it's been close to 25 years since I started drawing manga from home. And long, long before the recent self-isolation measures, I was at home working on #iceadolescence film. My burning desire to show this work to the world hasn't changed, not even in these times. I want to work hard and move forward alongside you all, so that one day this film can be shown to you," she shared.

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2011年から能町みね子(@nmcmnc )さんと共に続けているトークイベント「俺たち #デトックス女子会 」YouTube版チャンネルを作りました。 第一回は二人の出会いからイベント開催に至るまでの話。 第二回は久保トークテーマ回、第三回は能町さんトークテーマ回、という感じで毎回15分ぐらい。週二回更新予定。音声のみです。良かったらお暇な時にでも! (個人的な話ばかりで、今後の作品作りや仕事とは関係無い内容です。) ❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️ 私はずっと一人暮らしで、在宅で漫画を描く事はもう25年近くやっています。 そして最近の自粛生活をするずっとずっとずっと前から、私は家で映画#iceadolescence の仕事に取り組み続けています。 作品を届けたい熱い想いは、こんなご時世になっても変わりません。皆さんと共に頑張って前に進んでいきたいです。いつか必ず作品としてお届け出来る日の為に。 進行中の内容を詳細にSNSで伝える立場ではないので、この個人的なInstagramはFoodstagramとして今後も食事ばかりバンバン上げていくかと思います。 私という孤独な人間の逃避の場なのです、ここは😘✨

A post shared by Mitsurou KUBO (@kubomitsurou) on

"I'm not in a position to share details regarding the film's progress on social media, so my personal Instagram is going to just be a Foostagram from now on. This is my escape as an isolated person."

For those of you keeping track of the anime, you will know Yuri!!! On Ice debuted back in October 2016. The hit anime followed Japanese ice skater Yuri who is down on his luck, but his life turns around when Russian skating champion Victor decides to coach him. The LGBTQ+ anime earned praise for its story and animation, but the series' movie encountered a delay when its original 2019 release date was scrapped. In order to provide the best animation quality possible, Yuri!!! On Ice changed its comeback date, and fans still aren't sure when the ice skating series will serve up its movie.

Are you ready for this movie to finally come to light? Let me know in the comments or hit me up on Twitter @MeganPetersCB to talk all things comics and anime!
