Apparently after having been cast as Bruce Banner (the Incredible Hulk) in the forthcoming film adaptation of The Avengers from Marvel Studios and director Joss Whedon, actor Mark Ruffalo took to the Internet to find out what the fans were saying about the news.”I won’t do that again! It wasn’t glowing, and I found the fan’s exuberant passion to be very, very brutal,” Den of Geek quote the actor as saying on the English press tour for The Avengers (or Avengers Assemble, as it’s called in the UK).Ruffalo’s performance–and the depiction of the Hulk in general–have been widely praised by fans and critics coming out of advance screenings, many of whom found The Hulk to be more the star of the film than Captain America, whose story Joss Whedon once said the story was meant to tell. And Robert Downey Jr.’s boast that “we’ve got a Hulk” has become one of the most oft-quoted lines from the film’s promotional campaign. According to the Den of Geek article, Ruffalo ‘hopes we’ve amended” fan’s perceptions by now.
The Avengers’ Mark Ruffalo: Fan Reaction to My Casting “Very, Very Brutal”
Apparently after having been cast as Bruce Banner (the Incredible Hulk) in the forthcoming film […]