Apex Legends Mobile Soft Launch Plans Revealed

After starting off rounds of Apex Legends Mobile betas last year, Respawn Entertainment announced this week it plans to allow people in select regions to participate in the soft launch of the game. This soft launch "is coming," Respawn said, but specific dates weren't mentioned. Instead, players were directed towards the download page for the game, though it's only available for a limited number of regions at this time and is also limited to only Android users for the time being.

The soft launch for Apex Legends Mobile was announced in the social posts from Respawn this week such as the one below. It listed the regions that the soft launch will be available in including those who were added to the tests as the betas were expanded throughout 2021.

"Calling all legends in Argentina, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Australia, and New Zealand: The soft launch for Apex Legends Mobile is coming!" the announcement said. "Pre-Registration is only available in these countries via the Google Play store, so visit the link below to participate."

For those not within those regions or those who plan on playing Apex Legends Mobile on an iOS device, you'll have to wait until later for your shot at the soft launch. A timeframe for when that'll happen was not given, but it's likely dependent on how the soft launch for the Android platforms and the regions mentioned above goes.

As for those playing the non-mobile version of Apex Legends, you've still got some content to look forward to while others are trying out that version of the game. Respawn similarly announced this week some of its plans for Season 12, the next season of Apex Legends that'll come with another new Legend, map changes, a new game mode, and more. You can read up on all of those plans here with more changes expected to be revealed soon in the build-up to the next season.

Apex Legends Mobile's soft launch will begin soon with more information to be shared as the rollout takes place.