
Battlefield 2042 Update Has PlayStation and Xbox Players Worried


EA and DICE have confirmed that Battlefield 2042 on console, which is to say, on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S, will not support mouse and keyboard, which is great news, because the game does not have input-based matchmaking. That said, while the console versions of the game don’t currently support keyboard and mouse, this could change in the future. You’d hope that if it does change, matchmaking would change to ensure controller players don’t match up with keyboard and mouse players, but right now this hasn’t been specified and detailed, which in turn has worried some console players looking forward to the new Battlefieldย game.ย 

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Speaking about the topic, the aforementioned pair noted there will be no mouse and keyboard support on console at launch, however, the development team is “investigating various options” to change this. That said, for now, no commitment is being made, which some would argue is pretty telling that this will never change. And many would prefer this, because if keyboard and mouse support on console is added insufficiently, it could really harm the game on these platforms.

“We’ve heard your questions about mouse and keyboard support for consoles,” said DICE. “We can confirm that we won’t be supporting this on consoles at the launch of Battlefield 2042, but we are still investigating the various options about making that available, and how it may impact cross-play. If that ever changes, you’ll hear it from us first.”

As always, we will keep you updated when and if more information is provided. That said, it doesn’t sound like we will be getting any more details on this before launch on November 19.ย 

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