Final Fantasy 9 Remake Is "Very Far Along" Claims Leaker

Will the game finally get revealed years after first being leaked?

Final Fantasy IX has been one of the most beloved games in the franchise ever since its release on the original PlayStation. When a remake of the game was seemingly revealed as part of a massive leak from NVIDIA's GeForce Now, it seemed like a logical move on the part of Square Enix. At the time, NVIDIA claimed that some of the games on that list were "speculative" even as several titles have been revealed as real since. Almost three years after that leak, the remake has never been officially announced, but there have been indications that it's very much real, and could be far into development. 

The Next Final Fantasy Remake?

The latest update on the Final Fantasy IX remake comes from the leaker known as Midori. In a couple of posts on Twitter, Midori noted that "development of this title is now very far along," though she is not aware of a release window. Midori also claimed that "the title was originally outsourced to another developer," but development is now being handled internally by Square Enix, as the publisher was unhappy with the results. 

Earlier this year, a different leaker claimed that the remake will be "modest" compared to the remake trilogy that Final Fantasy VII has received, but we don't know how reliable that information is. Midori weighed in on that a little, noting that she does not know anything about the "scope" of the remake. 

Where There's Smoke, There's Fire

While Midori is a very reliable leaker in general, there's been other evidence to suggest that the Final Fantasy IX remake is a legitimate game currently in development. Last year, Giant Bomb's Jeff Grubb clarified some of the things that he had heard about the remake. Grubb also stated that he was unaware of the scope of the game, after there were false claims that he said it would be closer in scale to 2022's Crisis Core – Final Fantasy VII – Reunion. Grubb shot down that claim, stating that "I just said it's definitely real, which of course it is." 

With the amount of smoke that has surrounded a Final Fantasy IX remake over the last few years, and the game being part of the NVIDIA leak, it seems incredibly likely that something is in the works at Square Enix. Midori did note the possibility of a reveal at this week's Xbox Games Showcase, but did caution to "keep expectations low right now." Hopefully the publisher will make an announcement in the near future and end all the speculation!

Are you hoping to see a remake of Final Fantasy IX? Did you ever play the original game? Share your thoughts with me directly on Twitter at @Marcdachamp, on Bluesky at @Marcdachamp, or on Instagram at @Dachampgaming!