Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 3 is nearly here! In case you somehow missed it, Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 2 did not, as previously intended, end on April 30th. Epic Games previously revealed that Chapter 2 Season 2 of the popular battle royale video game would actually be extended, and now Fortnite‘s new chapter will officially launch on June 4th. Could the new season have something to do with the newly teased Doomsday event?
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It’s unclear at the moment what the extended time might actually mean for the video game, as one imagines certain plans and schedules have shifted and realigned to accommodate for the ongoing coronavirus pandemic in addition to the Season 3 delay. It’s also worth noting that this is absolutely not the first time a planned update has been delayed for the video game.
“Before then, there’s lots of content coming in the current Season,” the announcement from Epic Games of the extension previously stated. “We have multiple game updates on the way that will deliver fresh gameplay, new Challenges, bonus XP, and a couple more surprises up our sleeve!”
Granted, this notice came before Fortnite went and added X-Force skins for Cable, Domino, and Psylocke to the game, and also before the Travis Scott Astronomical event was even announced, let alone completed. It’s entirely possible that Epic Games has even more surprises in store, like whatever is going on with the Doomsday Device, but there is no telling what they might be given the scale and general ambition of what has already been accomplished. Like, I mean, just look at the Party Royale stuff. And there really is just about a week and some change left, so there’s probably not much left in the tank at this point.
Teases and leaks for Season 3 indicate that major map changes are on the way with lots of water-based shenanigans, but nothing firm has been actually announced beyond the fact that it begins in June. Historically, however, these sort of leaks and hints have largely panned out to be true, so expect a lot of swimming and sharks next season.
What do you think of the Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 2 extension? Are you looking forward to Season 3? Let us know in the comments, or hit me up directly on Twitter at @rollinbishop to talk all things gaming!
As mentioned above, Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 2 is ongoing, and Season 3 is set to launch on June 4th. The video game is available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PC, and mobile devices. You can check out all of our previous coverage of Fortnite right here.