Epic Games Store Teases Free Mystery Game Event

Epic Games appears to be bringing back its Mystery Game event for the holidays.

The Epic Games Store looks to be gearing up for one of its best promotions of the year where people get more free games than usual for the holidays. There's one big catch to this deal, however: people won't really know what the next free game (and ones after it) will be until the games themselves are revealed. That's because Epic Games is once again giving away a free mystery game starting next week, and if past giveaways like this one are any indication of what's to come, we can expect even more mystery games after that.

For context if you're just now getting around to using the Epic Games Store this year, these mystery games happen every now and then during big events like an amped-up version of the weekly free Epic Games Store games. It happened this year in June, and it happened last year around this time, too, so from that last holiday giveaway, we have an idea of what's coming.

Free Mystery Games from the Epic Games Store


Over on the "Free Games" page of the Epic Games Store, there's a familiar tease there now: a "Mystery Game" that'll unlock in a couple of days. An image of a wrapped present exists there in place of whatever key art the game usually uses, and as has been the case with past mystery games, it looks like this artwork is supposed to be a teaser for the next free Epic Games Store game.

As for what that free game might be, the cursor is the only tease that we have here which doesn't give a lot to go off of at all. Some have speculated that it might be Cookie Clicker which isn't currently on the Epic Games Store right now, though the Epic Games Store does have a history of occasionally bringing games over and giving them away for free ASAP. It's also worth noting that the unlock time for this game indicates that the free Epic Games Store game will be given away starting on Wednesday of next week as opposed to the usual Thursday giveaway. 

But whatever this game might be, the bigger deal here is that it's indicative of another round of free games for the holidays from the Epic Games Store. During those promotions, Epic Games gives away not just one game a week but one game a day for several consecutive days leading up to Christmas. Typically, the final game is one that many people are generally pretty happy with, though the other free games can be hit or miss depending on your interests.

Epic Games has not formally announced the start of a free game promotion like this for the holidays, but considering how this is a mystery game tease and it's releasing outside of the normal schedule, it's likely that we'll hear more about this event soon.

This Week's Free Epic Games Store Games

Mystery games aside, we don't have to guess at all about what this week's free games are. They're GigaBash and Predecessor, and you can find out more on each of them below and can download them right now for free from the Epic Games Store.


"GigaBash combines the chaos and creativity of titles like Power Stone, Super Smash Bros Ultimate and War of Monsters with the jaw-dropping scale of the classic kaiju movies. Play as either a rampaging Titan or a Titan-hunting mecha; summon lightning from the heavens, use a radio tower as a baton, or roll a whole district (and your enemies) into a single massive snowball. Wreak enough havoc and you'll evolve into your final form, the terrifyingly titanic S-Class."


"Predecessor is a fast-paced action game that combines MOBA and FPS gameplay putting you at the heart of the fight with strategic choice, third person control and immersive action. With over 30 heroes to choose from and new heroes frequently joining the roster there's a hero for everyone. Noble archers to robot cage fighters, the heroes of Predecessor come from far and wide to showcase their talents."