Halo Infinite Battle Royale Mode Requested by Popular Streamer

One of the most popular streamers on YouTube has called out 343 Industries and Xbox saying that if [...]

One of the most popular streamers on YouTube has called out 343 Industries and Xbox saying that if this year's release of Halo Infinite doesn't ship with a battle royale mode, it will be a massive oversight. The message once again proved to generate a lot of buzz about the upcoming shooter and the notion of it including a battle royale mode at all.

Shared on Twitter, Jack "CouRage" Dunlop, who streams on YouTube as part of the 100 Thieves organization, stated that it would be a grave mistake for 343 Industries to not release some sort of battle royale mode with Halo Infinite. Dunlop said that Halo is his favorite video game series of all-time, and as such, he clearly wants to see it in a good place. One way to accomplish that, he believes, is to add the popular multiplayer mode to the upcoming installment. "If Halo Infinite doesn't release with a robust and well made Battle Royale game mode, then it will be one of the greatest gaming failures in history," Dunlop said plainly.

At this point in time, it's hard to know whether or not 343 Industries would look to include a battle royale mode in Halo Infinite. Back in 2018, when the genre was still in its infancy, 343 went on the record saying that Infinite wouldn't include the popular game mode. However, that tune has potentially changed. Additional reports have since come about claiming that 343 will indeed release a battle royale mode with Halo Infinite, although the studio has still never confirmed such a thing.

Fortunately, we shouldn't have to wait a whole lot longer to find out what will be happening with Halo Infinite. The game is slated to release later this fall on Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and PC, and 343 has already been sharing a ton of new details about the title early in 2021. As we continue to approach the game's formal launch, a ton of new information will begin to emerge in the coming months.

So what do you think? Do you want to see Halo Infinite add a battle royale mode to its multiplayer offering, or would you rather see 343 focus on other aspects of the game? Be sure to let me know down in the comments or over on Twitter at @MooreMan12.