League of Legends’ new champion Vex has only been out for a short time now, but the mage has already gotten a nerf since her launch. Riot Games said that the Yordle’s mid-game burst was a bit too strong for its liking which resulted in two different abilities – the champion’s Passive and Q – getting nerfed to tone down that power. Other parts of Vex’s kit remain the same as they looked launch as players take more time to familiarize themselves with the champion.
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The latest mid-patch update for Patch 11.19 released on September 24th with the Vex changes now live in the game as well as the updated patch notes. Vex’s nerfs weren’t the only changes made, however. With the choose-your-champion version of URF now live in the game, some changes had to be made there as well seeing how it’s been a while since that game mode was available and many balance adjustments have been made since then. As such, plenty of champions were buffed and nerfed accordingly.
You can see the changes for Vex below along with all the buffs and nerfs for different champions in URF.
- PASSIVE – DOOM ‘N GLOOM DAMAGE 30-180 (based on level) (+25% AP) ⇒ 30-140 (based on level) (+20% AP)
- Q – MISTRAL BOLT DAMAGE 60/110/160/210/260 (+60% AP) ⇒ 60/105/150/195/240 (+60% AP)
URF Buffs
- AATROX +15% Damage Dealt, -15% Damage Taken
- AMUMU +5% Damage Dealt, -10% Damage Taken
- ANIVIA +5% Damage Dealt, -8% Damage Taken
- BARD +15% Damage Dealt, -15% Damage Taken
- BRAUM +5% Damage Dealt, -10% Damage Taken
- DARIUS +5% Damage Dealt, -5% Damage Taken
- FIDDLESTICKS +5% Damage Dealt, -10% Damage Taken
- GAREN +5% Damage Dealt, -10% Damage Taken
- GNAR +5% Damage Dealt, -10% Damage Taken
- ILLAOI +5% Damage Dealt, -10% Damage Taken
- MORDEKAISER W – Indestructible’s stored health in Potential Shield is no longer reduced in URF
- RAMMUS +5% Damage Dealt, -10% Damage Taken
- SETT +5% Damage Dealt, -8% Damage Taken
- SORAKA +5% Damage Dealt, -8% Damage Taken
- TAHM KENCH +15% Damage Dealt, -15% Damage Taken
- URGOT +10% Damage Dealt, -15% Damage Taken
- YONE +5% Damage Dealt, -10% Damage Taken
- ZILEAN +5% Damage Dealt, -10% Damage Taken
URF Nerfs
- AHRI -5% Damage Dealt, +5% Damage Taken
- ANNIE -5% Damage Dealt
- CASSIOPEIA -5% Damage Dealt, +5% Damage Taken
- DRAVEN -5% Damage Dealt, +5% Damage Taken
- EZREAL -5% Damage Dealt
- FIORA -5% Damage Dealt, +10% Damage Taken
- FIZZ -5% Damage Dealt, +8% Damage Taken
- JAX -5% Damage Dealt, +8% Damage Taken
- JAYCE -8% Damage Dealt, +5% Damage Taken
- KAI’SA -8% Damage Dealt, +5% Damage Taken
- KARTHUS -5% Damage Dealt
- LUCIAN -5% Damage Dealt, +5% Damage Taken
- MALZAHAR -5% Damage Dealt, +5% Damage Taken
- ORIANNA -8% Damage Dealt, +5% Damage Taken
- SHACO -5% Damage Dealt
- SIVIR -5% Damage Dealt
- SYNDRA -10% Damage Dealt, +5% Damage Taken
- TRUNDLE -5% Damage Dealt
- TWISTED FATE -5% Damage Dealt
- TWITCH -8% Damage Dealt, +5% Damage Taken
- VEX -5% Damage Dealt
- VI -5% Damage Dealt
- VIKTOR -5% Damage Dealt
- VLADIMIR -8% Damage Dealt, +5% Damage Taken
- XAYAH -10% Damage Dealt, +10% Damage Taken
- XIN ZHAO -5% Damage Taken
- YUUMI -15% Damage Dealt, +20% Damage Taken, -30% Healing ⇒ -20% Damage Dealt, +20% Damage Taken, -30% Healing
- ZED -5% Damage Dealt
League of Legends’ Patch 11.19, the mid-patch update, and the game’s newest champion are all live at this time.