The ultimate ’90s fighting game crossover is returning to consoles. Classic arcade games from the Marvel Vs. Capcom series — which pit Marvel superheroes like Spider-Man and the X-Men against Capcom characters from Street Fighter and Mega Man — will be bundled together for the first time inMarvel vs. Capcom Fighting Collection: Arcade Classics.
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The 7-game collection includes the original arcade button-mashing fighter games and the side-scrolling beat ’em up The Punisher, omitting only the modern-era releases (2011’s Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds and Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3, and 2017’s Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite). New features include online play, Fighter Awards and competitive challenges, ranked matches and leaderboards, plus display filters that let players recreate the visuals as they experienced them in the arcade.
“We have this rich history of making games with Capcom, going all the way back to Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter, X-Men vs. Street Fighter… allof those really incredible titles that people remember playing back inthe ’90s,” Laura Hathaway, Marvel Games product development manager, said on the Official Marvel Podcast. “We’re always looking for ways to really surprise andhopefully delight our fans. The idea of bringing these games back wasalways really, really exciting to us, so we’re glad to finally be ableto announce it to everybody.”

Marvel vs. Capcom Fighting Collection: Arcade Classics is available digitally starting September 12th on PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, and Steam, while the physical console version comes to PS4 and Switch on November 22nd (and Xbox One in 2025).
Below, we’ve rounded up the full list of Marvel vs. Capcom games included in the collection. Keep scrolling for a list of the changes players can expect from the original games (including hidden characters who are now playable) and the character rosters.
Marvel vs. Capcom Fighting Collection: Arcade Classics Game List
X-Men: Children of the Atom (1994)
Description: Take control of the X-Men and theirfantastic powers in this gamebased on Street Fighter 2. Super Jumpsand combos with plenty of freedomare sure to please any fighting gameplayer!
X-Men: Children of the Atom Characters and Changes From Original

- Wolverine
- Psylocke
- Cyclops
- Storm
- Iceman
- Colossus
- Spiral
- Silver Samurai
- Omega Red
- Sentinel
- Juggernaut
- Magneto
- Akuma
Changes from Original:
- Juggernaut and Magneto are now playable. They can be accessed via Game Settings > EX Settings > Hidden Characters.
- Screen flashing can now be reduced. Enable via Game Settings > EX Settings > Light Reduction.
- Note: Affects beginning of rounds, the Continue Screen, and Hyper X activation.
Marvel Super Heroes (1996)
Description: The super-powered battles from X-Men:Children of the Atom have evolved even further! Setin the Marvelcrossover hit comic The Infinity Gauntlet, a number ofMarvel Comicstaples including Spider-Man, Iron Man, and Captain Americajoin theX-Men in the fight. Defeat Thanos using the new high-flying air combosystem and the power of the Infinity Gems!
Marvel Super Heroes Characters and Changes From Original

- Captain America
- Wolverine
- Hulk
- Spider-Man
- Iron Man
- Psylocke
- Juggernaut
- Black Heart
- Shuma-Gorath
- Magneto
- Doctor Doom
- Thanos
- Anita
Changes from Original:
- Doctor Doom, Thanos, and Anita are now playable. They canbe accessed via Game Settings > EX Settings > Hidden Characters.
- Screen flashing can now be reduced. Enable via Game Settings > EX Settings > Light Reduction.
Note: Affects Magneto during the title demo, Iron Man’s entrance animation, and hit animations.
X-Men vs. Street Fighter (1996)
Description: A crossover between X-Men and Street Fighter! This release firstintroduced the 2-on-2 battles the Marvel Vs. Capcom series would becomeknown for. Team up with the tag partner of your choosing and launch hugeHyper Combos and Cross-Over Combinations!
X-Men vs. Street Fighter Characters and Changes From Original

Marvel Characters:
- Cyclops
- Wolverine
- Gambit
- Storm
- Sabretooth
- Rogue
- Juggernaut
- Magneto
Capcom Characters:
- Ryu
- Ken
- Chun-Li
- Zangief
- Dhalsim
- Charlie
- Cammy
- M. Bison
- Akuma
Changes from Original:
- Screen flashing can now be reduced. Enable via GameSettings > EX Settings > Light Reduction to turn this on. Note:Affects title demo, start of rounds, hit animations, Victory Screen,Continue Screen, and Ending.
Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter (1997)
Description: The second entry in the Marvel Vs. Capcom series, pitting fanfavorites from Street Fighter and Marvel heroes against each other! Spider-Man,Hulk, Captain America and more join the X-Men to team up with andagainst characters from Street Fighter, now able to use Cross-OverAssists!
Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter Characters and Changes From Original

Marvel Characters:
- Captain America
- Cyclops
- Wolverine
- Spider-Man
- Hulk
- Black Heart
- Omega Red
- Shuma-Gorath
- U.S. Agent
- Armor Spider-Man
- Mephisto
Capcom Characters:
- Ryu
- Ken
- Chun-Li
- Dhalsim
- Zangief
- Dan
- Sakura
- M. Bison
- Akuma
- Cyber-Akuma
- Norimaro
- Dark Sakura
- Mech Zangief
- Shadow
Changes from Original:
- Cyber-Akuma is now playable. Select Solo Cyber-Akuma Battle to access him.
- Screen flashing can now be reduced. Enable via Game Settings > EX Settings > Light Reduction.
- Note: Affects title demo, hit animations, Victory Screen, and the Continue Screen.
Marvel vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (1998)
Description: All-stars from Capcom and Marvel clash in this crossover for the ages! The Special Partner system allows for even more options in the 2-on-2 battles! Thebrand new Duo Team Attacks allow you to temporarily attack with bothyour tag partners. Make use of unlimited Hyper Combos to deal massivedamage!
An unprecedented evil bears down upon the Earth! Our heroes face their most powerful opponent yet… Onslaught! Totalannihilation slowly approaches the human race… All hopes and dreamshave been crushed into powder… Great heroes! Now is the time to taketo the skies! We need you now more than ever!
Marvel vs. Capcom: Clash of Heroes Characters and Changes From Original

Marvel Characters:
- Captain America
- Wolverine
- Spider-Man
- Gambit
- Hulk
- War Machine
- Venom
- Hulk (Marvel Super Heroes Version)
- Hyper Armor War Machine
- High Speed Venom
Capcom Characters:
- Ryu
- Chun-Li
- Zangief
- Morrigan
- Jin
- Captain Commando
- Mega Man
- Strider Hiryu
- Roll
- Shadow Lady
- Morrigan (Lilith)
Changes from Original:
- A number of stages have been altered.
- Screen flashing can now be reduced. Enable via Game Settings > EX Settings > Light Reduction.
- Note:Affects title demo, hit animations, Victory Screen, Continue Screen,Hyper Combo animations, and the Headquarters of Evil stage.
Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes (2000)
Description: The second entry in the ultimate Marvel and Capcom crossover series. A roster of 56 characters and new 3-on-3 battles add new layers to the strategic battles of the series. Thebrand-new Team Hyper Combo system allows for up to three characters toall use their Hyper Combos at once, giving players the ability tounleash unbelievable damage.
The Armor of Erosion… It was supposed to be nothing but a fairytale… But now its here and the end is approaching. The wheels of fatehave brought forth a disaster of untold proportions. Marine life istwisted by the evil wind that blows in from the deep ocean. But lightshines the brightest in the deepest dark, and our heroes have gathered.
Their destination, the deep abyss known as the Sea of Genesis…
Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes Characters and Changes From Original

Marvel Characters:
- Cable
- Marrow
- Captain America
- Cyclops
- Wolverine
- Wolverine-Bone (Bone Claws)
- Spider-Man
- Hulk
- Iron Man
- Iceman
- War Machine
- Gambit
- Rogue
- Colossus
- Psylocke
- Storm
- Silver Samurai
- Sabretooth
- Juggernaut
- Shuma-Gorath
- Spiral
- Black Heart
- Venom
- Sentinel
- Doctor Doom
- Omega Red
- Thanos
- Magneto
Capcom Characters:
- Ruby Heart
- Amingo
- Sonson
- Ryu
- Ken
- Chun-Li
- Guile
- Zangief
- Dhalsim
- Charlie
- Sakura
- Dan
- Cammy
- M. Bison
- Akuma
- Jill
- Jin
- Strider Hiryu
- Hayato
- Mega Man
- Roll
- Tron Bonne
- Servebot
- B.B. Hood
- Felicia
- Morrigan
- Captain Commando
- Anakaris
Changes from Original:
- Screen flashing can now be reduced. Enable via Game Settings > EX Settings > Light Reduction.
- Note: Affects hit animations, start of rounds, Continue Screen, and defeat animations.
The Punisher (1993)
Description: The very first game created in the fruitful partnership betweenCapcom and Marvel. A side-scrolling action game in the vein of FinalFight, players control The Punisher as he takes down the gangs thatkilled his family in this exciting title!
Crime has overrun this city. The criminals know no fear. But one manstands against them: Frank Castle. Enemy of all crime and those whowould commit it. NO LAW, NO JUSTICE. The people call him “Punisher.” Andonly revenge drives him.
The Punisher Characters and Changes From Original

- Punisher (Frank Castle)
- Nick Fury
- Scully
- Guardroid
- BoneBreaker
- Bushwacker
- Kingpin
Changes from Original:
- Some images used in the ending of the game in the Japanese version have been removed.
- Screen flashing can now be reduced. Enable via Game Settings > EX Settings > Light Reduction.
- Note: Affects title demo, grenade impact animation, and player respawn animation.