
Mortal Kombat 12 Reveal Speculation Ignited by Developer

According to a wide range of rumors — from both credible and dubious sources — NetherRealm Studios isn’t working on Injustice 3 like many think it is and is rather working on Mortal Kombat. Now, here’s where the rumors diverge. According to some, NRS is working on Mortal Kombat 12, or, in other words, the next installment in the series. Other rumors claim the Chicago-based studio is working on a re-release of Mortal Kombat 11 with new content and the addition of characters from Mortal Kombat 9 and Mortal Kombat X. Whatever the case, one thing seems clear, NetherRealm Studios is working on Mortal Kombat.

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To this end, some Mortal Kombat fans think Jonathan Anderson, a Senior Production Manager at NRS, is teasing that the team will reveal its new game at The Game Awards 2021 on December 9 based on the tweet below. Adding to this, some fans have pointed out that Anderson has been retweeting X-Men tweets recently, including one about “Praying for an X-Men fighting game one day.”

NetherRealm Studios revealing its game at The Game Awards 2021 would make sense given that Mortal Kombat 11 was revealed at The Game Awards 2018 to great success.

For now, take everything here with a grain of salt. This includes not only the speculation above, but the reports and rumors of the first paragraph. At the moment of publishing, none of the implicated parties have commented on any of this. That said, and as always, as the situation evolves, we will be sure to update the story accordingly. In the meantime, feel free to leave a comment or two letting us know what you think or, alternatively, hit me up on Twitter @Tyler_Fischer_ to talk all things gaming.

H/T, Reddit.