New details have emerged about New Pokemon Snap, showcasing how photos players take will be judged. Nintendo recently updated the website for New Pokemon Snap, providing some new snapshots and new information about the highly anticipated Pokemon game coming out next week. The most intriguing new snapshot released showed off the more detailed scoring criteria that photos will be judged on in the game. As seen in the screenshot below, a photo will be judged by its pose, the size of the Pokemon in the frame, the direction the Pokemon is facing, its placement in the frame, whether other Pokemon appear in the photo, and what’s seen in the background of the photo.
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We previously knew that New Pokemon Snap would allow players to store multiple photos in their Pokedex and even label them to reflect what sort of behavior is being exhibited in the shot. It seems that players will also have the ability to set a Pokedex photo for the Pokemon seen in the game. Players will also receive a general “star ranking” on each of their photos.
New Pokemon Snap is the long-awaited sequel to Pokemon Snap, the first spinoff game of the Pokemon franchise. The original game was released back in 1999 and showcased how Pokemon behaved in the wild, all while players took photos and unlocked secret behaviors as they slowly roamed through Pokemon Island. In New Pokemon Snap, players will explore the new Lental region under the employ of Professor Mirror. As players take pictures of the over 200 Pokemon species in the region, they’ll also investigate the strange Illumina phenomenon, which causes Pokemon to glow.
New Pokemon Snap is being released as part of the Pokemon franchise’s 25th anniversary. In addition to New Pokemon Snap, more games are also expected to come out this year, such as the MOBA Pokemon UNITE. Other anniversary celebrations include new card sets and collaborations with pop star Katy Perry, McDonald’s, and Levi’s. Other announcements are also coming, including potential remakes of Pokemon Diamond and Pearl.
New Pokemon Snap will be released on April 30th. You can pre-order the game on Amazon or at your local gaming store.