Nintendo Doesn't Plan to Use Generative AI in Games

Nintendo says it will instead rely on its "decades of know-how."

It seems like every single industry is trying to find some way to make money off AI, and video game companies are no exception. Publishers like Square Enix have promised to be "aggressive" in using the technology, but not everyone feels so strongly. During a recent shareholder Q&A, Nintendo was asked whether the company has any plans on using AI in its games. Nintendo president Shuntaro Furukawa was careful to establish the difference between the traditional use of AI in the industry versus generative AI. The former has long been used in Nintendo's games, but the company wants to avoid the intellectual property rights surrounding generative AI. 

"In the game industry, AI-like technologies have long been used -- for example, to control the movements of opponent characters -- so I believe that game development and AI technology have always had a close relationship. Generative AI, which is becoming a big topic recently, can be used in creative ways, but we recognize that it may also raise issues with intellectual property rights," said Furukawa. "We have decades of know-how in creating the best gaming experiences for our players. While we are open to utilizing technological developments, we will continue delivering value that is unique to Nintendo and cannot be created by technology alone." 

The use of generative AI has led to a lot of controversy, as well as legal issues. The fact is, generative AI is trained on existing material; the work of legitimate artists is being used, often without their consent. Earlier this year, the estate of George Carlin sued Dudesy AI over the creation of a fake special created using the tone and mannerisms of the late comedian. Meanwhile, living actors like Morgan Freeman have seen their voices impersonated and used without their consent

While companies are betting big on AI at the moment, it remains to be seen how things will play out with all of the IP issues that surround the technology. It's very possible that AI could be the next big technology bust; two years ago, video game companies were all betting big on NFTs, and in 2024, the NFT bubble seems to have completely popped. With so much uncertainty surrounding AI at the moment, it's hard to blame Nintendo for avoiding these controversies completely, and instead focusing on what it does best. The company seems to be doing just fine without the "help."

Do you think Nintendo is wise to steer clear of AI? Do you think the bubble will burst like it did with NFTs? Share your thoughts with me directly on Twitter at @Marcdachamp, on Bluesky at @Marcdachamp, or on Instagram at @Dachampgaming!