Overwatch 2‘s fine tuning of heroes continues and with a new season the game has given Sombra a major overhaul, arguably one of their biggest changes since the game’s launch last year. Blizzard has been teasing a change to Sombra’s kit in some way for a few months now, and the developer has now confirmed exactly what Sombra changes are being implemented. We have a full breakdown of the Overwatch 2 Sombra rework below, but it’s worth noting that she’s not the only Overwatch 2 hero undergoing an adjustment. Roadhog will also see a change in the midseason patch in Overwatch 2 Season 7. Balance changes will also been made for heroes including Mei, Zarya, Orisa, Ramattra, Wrecking Ball, Cassidy, Torbjorn, Brigitte, and Illari, as previously announced.
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Overwatch 2 Sombra rework confirmed
The biggest change in the Sombra re-work is the complete removal of one of her abilities, Opportunist. Previously Sombra’s Opportunist ability is what allowed her to see low health enemies through walls while also giving her a 25% damage boost on hacked enemies; this has been removed except hacked enemies will still appear silhouetted through walls. The Sombra rework also makes a major change to the Stealth ability. Now Sombra’s Stealth isn’t activated by the player but is instead a passive ability. Any time that Sombra is inactive from combat, be it taking damage, dealing damage, or using an ability, she is now invisible. Sombra’s Translocatorhas also been altered as well, now instead of leaving it elsewhere on the map and players teleporting away when needed, the Translocatorinstantly teleports the Sombra player to wherever it is thrown.
Overwatch 2 Sombra’s new Virus ability
Sombra mains upset about the removal of the 25% damage boost from the Opportunist ability should know that the Sombra rework gives her one brand new ability to make up for it. Called Virus, Sombra will now have a skill shot ability that deals damage over time to its target but also delivers “double damage and at a faster rate” if targets are already hacked. Blizzard’s Press Release on Overwatch 2 season 7 adds this about the Sombra rework: “Along with tuning to her Machine Pistol, Hack, and EMP, you’ll find that she will be more engaging to play with and play against. Our goal is to allow Sombra to be more committed to the targets she engages with and have a more active feel to her kit, all the while maintaining her character identity and playstyle as the world’s greatest hacker.”

Overwatch 2 Season 7 Release Date
Blizzard has confirmed that the Overwatch 2 season 7 release date will be Tuesday, October 10, bringing the new seasons of the team shooter back to Tuesdays. Previous Overwatch 2 seasons have run for nine-week increments, with only Season 6 breaking that trend when Blizzard launched the Invasion season with PVE missions and more. Based on previous Overwatch 2 seasons, Overwatch 2 Season 7 will seemingly run from October 10th to December 12th, just in time for a return of the Winter Wonderland game modes during the Christmas season. Blizzard has also been releasing new heroes on the even numbered seasons of Overwatch 2, meaning Overwatch 2 season 7 will NOT have a new hero, but Overwatch 2 season 8 almost certainly will.
Is Overwatch 2 free?
Since the launch of Overwatch 2 in October of 2022, yes, Overwatch 2 is now a free to play game.