Shadow the Hedgehog Will "Probably Not" Use Guns Anymore

The character is already "a weapon" says Sonic Team boss.

Shadow the Hedgehog only used guns in one video game, but that was enough to leave an impression on gamers that has lasted for nearly 20 years. While Shadow wasn't packing heat during the character's appearances in Sonic Adventure 2 or Sonic Heroes, his eponymous video game in 2005 made gun use a major part of the gameplay. Shadow's appearances since then have dropped the use of guns, and it seems that's a conscious decision on Sega's part. In an interview with Video Games Chronicle, Sonic Team boss Takashi Iizuka revealed that Shadow likely won't be using guns anymore. 

"Yeah, in the games Shadow did use a gun. But when we talk about Shadow, he would use whatever he needed in the moment to get the job done. So he would pick up a gun or ride a bike in order to get the job done – he's that kind of character," Iizuka told Video Games Chronicle. "But he's also extremely powerful on his own and doesn't really need a gun or anything because he can do it himself – he is a weapon. So as long as there's no need for Shadow to use a gun, he will probably not use one."

A New Era for Shadow

It's not that surprising that Sega plans on walking away from Shadow's gun use; back in 2005, the Sonic brand was in a very different place. The company was considering an M-rating for the Shadow game, and Sonic's mainstream appeal had greatly diminished. These days, things are much different for Sonic, thanks to a globally successful movie series. With Shadow set to play a key role in the next Sonic movie, it makes sense that Sega might be inclined to move away from some of the more controversial aspects of the character. 

Of course, Shadow's gun use has always been something of a joke in the Sonic fan community; critics at the time panned the inclusion as a vain attempt to make an "edgy" Sonic game. Some of the sillier moments from that game are still ridiculed nearly two decades later, and Sega probably doesn't want to provide any additional... ammunition, in that regard! 

Sonic x Shadow Generations

On October 25th, Shadow will make his next video game appearance in Sonic x Shadow Generations. The video game will feature direct callbacks and references to the 2005 Shadow the Hedgehog game. While Iizuka has confirmed that Shadow's gun use won't be part of the game, fans can expect to see certain elements return, including enemies like Black Doom

Do you plan on checking out Sonic x Shadow Generations? Are you surprised that Shadow won't be using guns anymore? Share your thoughts with me directly on Twitter at @Marcdachamp, on Bluesky at @Marcdachamp, or on Instagram at @Dachampgaming!