In 2022, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge was released. Developed by Tribute Games, Shredder’s Revenge was a love letter to the original TMNT animated series, as well as Konami classics like Turtles in Time. The game was a huge critical success, and a DLC expansion was released last year. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem there are immediate plans for a follow-up, or more DLC. In an interview with Prankster101 Productions, narrative designer Yannick Belzil says TributeGames would love to do more with the Ninja Turtles, but it all depends on how the DLC ends up selling.ย
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“We’d love to do more DLC, or maybe even a sequel, but that’s not something that’s on the cards right now. We’re a small team, so we’ve put all of our effort in the existing DLC. And it has to be successful for there to be a sequel, or even new DLC. And that’ll depend on the fan reaction, and of course the commercial success of the DLC. We’d love to do more of it, because we really love theย Turtles, and fans seem to have enjoyed the game, and there’s still an appetite for theย Turtles, so we’d love to keep working in that world. But again, that’ll depend on the fans,” Belzil told Prankster101.ย
The Future of Shredder’s Revenge
It’s worth noting that there were no plans for Shredder’s Revenge DLC in the first place, but things changed based on the game’s success. Speaking to two years ago, Belzil expressed an interest in bringing in characters like Jennika and Venus de Milo as playable characters. When the Dimension Shellshock DLC was released, neither character was present; instead, it added Miyamoto Usagi and Karai. If Dimension Shellshock sells well enough to warrant more content, or a sequel, it’s possible Belzil could finally get his wish to add Jennika and Venus.ย
For those that have yet to play Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge, the game is available on a number of platforms, including PC, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation, and Xbox. The game is also available free to play on mobile for anyone with a Netflix subscription, and on Xbox for anyone with a subscription to Game Pass Core. The Dimension Shellshock DLC is not included with either.ย
Upcoming TMNT Games
While there are no current plans for additional Shredder’s Revenge content, TMNT fans still have a lot to look forward to in the future. On April 23rd, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Wrath of the Mutantsย will release on PC, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation, and Xbox platforms. The game debuted in arcades several years ago, and this will mark its first time ever being offered on other platforms. Later this year will see the release of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutants Unleashed, a video game sequel to last year’s TMNT animated movie. Last but not least, a game based on The Last Ronin is also in development.ย
Do you want to see more DLC or a sequel to Shredder’s Revenge? Share your thoughts with me directly on Twitter atย @Marcdachampย or on Instagram atย @Dachampgaming!