Uncharted 2 Gets Major Update From Mark Wahlberg

Uncharted 2 may be further along than we thought.

Uncharted 2 is apparently pretty far along in development, according to Mark Wahlberg. Video game adaptations are becoming as common as superhero movies these days especially as gaming becomes increasingly mainstream and studios are cracking the code on how to bring them to life. The Last of Us was showered with critical acclaim, awards, and is looking like it could be HBO's biggest show for the foreseeable future. Of course, they haven't all been huge critical hits. Uncharted was a commercial success, bringing in over $400 million at the box office, but it had a 40% score on Rotten Tomatoes. That's not very ideal for one of PlayStation's biggest franchises, especially after it took a decade to get the movie made.

Nevertheless, Sony seems interested in continuing the Tom Holland-led franchise. We have heard nothing too firm about an Uncharted 2 movie since the first film's release at the start of 2022, but it sounds like it may be happening. When speaking to The Direct, Mark Wahlberg confirmed that Uncharted 2 is very much in the works and a script has been written. With that said, the script is still in development and they apparently have a variety of ideas for where to take the story next. Wahlberg also confirmed he would wear Sully's signature mustache for the entire film should it happen. The actor was keen to point out that he's only open to returning if they can make it better than the first.

"I've heard lots of different ideas," said Wahlberg. "I know somebody's written a script, and they're still working on it, and it would consist of having the mustache the whole entire time. Which completely makes sense; obviously, in that final scene, I have the mustache. I spent quite a bit of time growing it because, at one point, we tried to do it with a fake mustache, and, I don't know. I just don't have the confidence to pull it off. It just feels like there's a big piece of tape over my mouth, and I feel ridiculous. I admire actors who can wear wigs and prosthetics and makeup and all that stuff. I've successfully worn one prosthetic, but that was long ago. When I finally got the mustache, people really appreciated it. And it was a nice tag to the end of that film. So if we can make it better than the first, you know, I'd be open to it, but I only know as much as you do right now."

Whether or not this will happen anytime soon is a mystery. Tom Holland is on a bit of an acting hiatus for the time being and we have no idea when the next Spider-Man movie will happen. Sony would likely want a new Spider-Man to be a priority over Uncharted 2, but we'll just have to wait and see. The last film ended with a teaser that suggested they may directly adapt the original Uncharted game in the next film.