American Idol judge Katy Perry prompted some mixed reactions on social media after wearing a Dumbo costume during The Disney Family Singalong. Perry sang “Baby Mine” from the 1941 film and a lot of people enjoyed the tender little song. But, as the pop star frequently does, she decided to have some extra fun with it. Perry sat there in full costume along with her dog Nugget, who was dressed up like Dumbo. The 35-year-old is currently expecting a child with her fiancé Orlando Bloom. So, the entire scene was pretty surreal, and that means Twitter was on fire during the performance.
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Perry wrote on Instagram, “I SEE NO DIFFERENCE! Have you HERD? It’s the best night of the year – Disney Night/Mother’s Day, and we’ve got a whole trunkful of for you! I’ll be on Facebook Live at 6:30p ET (3:30p pacific) to answer all of your questions about #AmericanIdol, and then don’t forget to tune in to @abcnetwork at 7p/6p Central for an ele-phantastic #DisneySingalong and roll straight into the Top 7 reveal singing their favorite Disney songs and mom tributes”
Disney fans were in a critical mood this afternoon as they also took to debating Rebel Wilson’s performance on the show as well. The actress uncorked a spirited rendition of “Poor Unfortunate Souls” from The Little Mermaid. But, despite her best efforts, the entire conversation online steered towards her output. Another popular conversation seemed to stem from the eventual casting for the live-action version of the Disney Renaissance classic. But, many don’t realize that Wilson played Ursula back in 2016 during The Little Mermaid Live at The Hollywood Bowl. So, in effect, it wasn’t this massively egregious stretch.
What do you think about Katy Perry’s look? Let us know in the comments! Check out the responses below:
An event
Katy Perry is an EVENT. #DisneyFamilySingalong
— Sheepie Niagara (@sheepieniagara) May 10, 2020
This is apparently very serious
It’s not fun. It’s not cute. Wear it to open the show and then change out of it then. It’s distracting and insensitive to the contestants who are trying hard to make a name for themselves. Instead of them being center stage it’s “did you see Katy’s costume last night?”
— Anthony Hyde (@AnthonyPHyde) May 11, 2020
Adorable pup
Current mood: Katy Perry’s dog
— Daphne (@daphnegrace_) May 11, 2020
A massive W
Can we just say @katyperry dog has won America’s heart on @AmericanIdol in that dumbo costume! #AmericanIdol
— Suzanne Marie (@suzanne_marie_) May 11, 2020
People love little nugget
— abby taylor (@_abby_tay_) May 11, 2020
But, is the dog alright??
@katyperry what is up with ur dog on #AmericanIdol is he alright @AmericanIdol @LukeBryanOnline @LionelRichie #americanidollive
— jessi (@jessi51092882) May 11, 2020
Best part of the show
Best thing on the Disney sing along😂😂 great costume @katyperry @RyanSeacrest #DisneyFamilySingalong
— bk🎉 (@brantleykate) May 11, 2020
Not a fan
She Looks sooooo STUPID
— Martyman Handel (@mljhandel) May 11, 2020
Some of us just want to know
— jules⁷ #⃝AertiLuvr69 (@squirreIseok) May 11, 2020
This hits a little different today
@katyperry Your performance brought me to tears 😢 My son’s favorite movie, when he was young 💞
— Jodi (@jross820) May 11, 2020
real tears.
oh, @katyperry you had me in tears with Baby Mine, I love Dumbo #DisneySingalong
— FancyMom❤🍀 Laurie 🎶🔮😎 (@laurieanneket) May 10, 2020
Best thing about quarantine
Tweet update: The best thing about quarantine is #KatyPerry and her dog in Dumbo-inspired elephant costumes.
— fideetopera (@fideetopera) May 11, 2020
Almost cried
I thought Katy Perry was gonna make me cry until I saw that costume (still might cry if they keep showing these Dumbo clips)
— Pastor Emily Holladay (@revemily55) May 11, 2020
Nobody can handle it
😭 @katyperry singing “Baby Mine” from Dumbo 🥰 #DisneyFamilySingalong
— Tiffany Brown (@tabrownwv) May 10, 2020
Big fan
Best part is @katyperry in her dumbo costume with her dog! Love it. #DisneySingalong
— Tammy Currey (@TCurreyUCF) May 10, 2020
Just worried about nugget
Poor #dog #KatyPerry don’t make your stay stay in a #dumbo costume
— Eileen (@DivaActressQt) May 11, 2020