10 Of The Best Captain America, Agent Of Hydra Memes
Earlier this week, Marvel Comics broke the internet with the release of Captain America: Steve [...]
Earlier this week, Marvel Comics broke the internet with the release of Captain America: Steve Rogers #1. What fans expected to be the long-awaited return to form for Marvel's favorite son turned sour when the final page had Captain America hailing Hydra. Even worse, the story implied that Hydra first made contact with Steve Rogers when he was a young boy, implying that Captain America may have been a Hydra double agent through his entire 75 year history.
Fans took social media to let Marvel and writer Nick Spencer know how they felt about the big twist – even Captain America movie star Chris Evans chimed in the issue – and the consensus reaction can be pretty well summed up as:
Now some people – myself included – think this is a bit of an overreaction and that fans should let the story play out before they start literally setting it on fire, but if anything good has come out of the social media frenzy it's the memeing of the issue's final page. The "Captain Hydra" or "Bad Cap" meme has made its way around the internet and back, and some great iterations have been created along the way. We've collected some of the finest in the gallery below for your enjoyment.
Personally, I've got a soft spot for one the meme bumps up against another meme or trending story, like where Hydra Cap turns into a GamerGater, or Sam Wilson tosses him a Snickers bar, the Flash makes an unexpected guest appearance.
Check them out for yourself in the gallery below, and let us know in the comments which one is your favorite!