
Rainn Wilson Reveals What It’s Like Working With Guardians’ James Gunn

Before James Gunn launched Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy, he was responsible for another […]

Before James Gunn launchedMarvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy, he was responsible for another superhero crusade.

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That, of course, ended up being Rainn Wilson’s Frank Darbo, who starred in the 2010 film Super. The film centered Darbo’s quest to win back his wife from a manipulative drug dealer, and also starred Liv Tyler, Ellen Page, Kevin Bacon, and Michael Rooker.

Wilson is now embarking on a journey within the Star Trek universe but remembers his work with Gunn fondly.

“James is amazing. I knew James as he was married to Jenna Fischer from The Office. I knew him to be a very smart and historical writer” Wilson told “I knew him to be a really good director.”

Still, nothing prepared him for Guardians of the Galaxy. “When I saw Guardians, I was like, “Holy F***. I had no idea James could do that.”

“It’s one thing to do a little three million dollar indie film and shoot it in four or five weeks,” recalls Wilson, “but if you’re doing 150 million dollar film with special effects and a whole new universe, prosthetic makeup and talking raccoons and there’s also heartfelt scenes. It has an emotional story, it’s like, “Wow. That’s a whole other planet.” I didn’t know he was capable to be quite honest.”

“He’s proven himself. He’s incredible. He’s one of the very best and a super nice guy” describes Wilson. “A salt to the earth guy and deserves every ounce of his success.”

As for Wilson, fans can win a trip to meet him and attend the premiere of Star Trek: Discovery, all while donating to Wilson’s LIDE Haiti Foundation.

The foundation started out as giving the amazing children of Haiti classes in the arts, and while Wilson and his wife Holiday weren’t sure if that was doing any good at first, the children really responded to it, and so they’ve increased the scope.

“Now we’ve got almost 600 girls, 13 locations and we’ve added literacy and scholarships,” says Wilson. “We’ve got a computer lab, donated computers. It’s been great. It’s been really great.”

You can find out more about donating to this wonderful foundation by heading to Prizeo’s campaign page.

Start Trek: Discovery hits on September 24, 2017.