Kit Harington is enjoying the run-up to his Marvel Cinematic Universe debut in The Eternals. At a recent appearance during ACE Comic Con, he actually got a chance to talk about his work on another hit series, Dreamworks’ How to Train Your Dragon. He played Eret in the second film and his character is right on hand to help in the trilogy’s finale that came out earlier this year. Now, How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World will not be the end of the series, not by a long shot. The studio has some serious plans to keep the story going even though Hiccup’s journey with his friend Toothless looks like it has come to a close.
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The Jon Snow actor actually sounded like he had taken a liking to voice work during his time on the series. What’s not to like, the movies have been full of heart as all-ages entertainment. (About as far from Game of Thrones as you can get on the media spectrum.) As well, the vocal nature of the recording process allows freedom to pursue other projects that just aren’t available with some live-action roles like the ones that he’s been accustomed to. He talked about it in great detail in front of the lucky fans.
“That’s a great gig. You rock up in your pajamas. I’m going to make it sound easy but it is not. It is not easy,” Harington began. “They find you wherever you are in the world. ‘Cause you can record it in any recording studio. They can Skype in, and the director can direct you that way.”
He continued, “Honestly it is very freeing. I loved it. For many years playing Jon Snow, who is swaddled in dead animals. For him, it can be very restricting. In this, voice work, you are free to do whatever you want. You can go crazy and the crazier you go, the better it is. You can create more of a character I guess. So, I’d love to do more voice work, its fun.”
Game of Thrones and How to Train Your Dragon are in the rear-view for the moment as the MCU gets ready for The Eternals next year. Harington will be front and center during that feature as Duane Whitman. Fans know that the Black Knight is here and that might mean they get to see Harington brandish another impressive blade on the big screen. It might be a touch more intense than his Dreamworks role, but still pretty fun. It sounds like there might be more adventures in animation for Harington in the future though.