Earlier today, ComicBook.com were the first to report that Man of Steel features a well-hidden “Easter egg” in the background of one of the trailers, indicating that the film will have a stealth Booster Gold reference in the form of Blaze Comics, the in-universe publishing company that publishes the tales of Booster, The Teen Titans and others.The publisher, who originally appeared in the first volume of Booster Gold comics (written in the ’80s by Dan Jurgens), represents the second major DC Universe-based corporation (after LexCorp) to be featured in Man of Steel and the first with direct ties to another DC hero.Of course, you can throw the Daily Planet into the mix here, too, but that kind of goes without saying. We’ll even say that Wayne Enterprises is probably a given, since it’s already rumored to have been referenced in the film.In any event, here are some other DC Comics staples that we hope to see in the film.
Man of Steel: Ten DC Comics Organizations We Want to See
Earlier today, ComicBook.com were the first to report that Man of Steel features a well-hidden […]