Power Rangers

A Divisive Power Rangers Movie is Hitting Netflix Soon

A divisive Power Rangers movie is heading to Netflix

Power Rangers 2017 Reboot, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Power Rangers fans are in a waiting period to see what happens next with the franchise on the big screen, and the good news is that there is something reportedly in the works for that at Paramount. Until more information is learned though, there’s not much happening on that front, but there is a Power Rangers movie heading to Netflix in just around a week. The 2017 Power Rangers reboot will be streaming on Netflix on March 6th, so fans can check out the divisive film and see if their opinion has changed since their last rewatch of it.

Videos by ComicBook.com

The 2017 reboot was supposed to usher in a new era for the franchise, and while there was buzz behind the release, it wasn’t able to pick up much steam in terms of box office. Power Rangers cost $100 million to make and was only able to bring in $85,264,450 million domestically, with an international total of $56,972,240 million. In total the film made $142,337,240 million, so it didn’t exactly set the box office on fire.

The film was divisive amongst viewers as well. The film holds a 51% Tomatometer score on Rotten Tomatoes amongst critics, though it does sport a higher Popcornmeter score of 65% amongst fans. The film did feature a small cameo from Amy Jo Johnson and Jason David Frank towards the end, and there was a tease of an introduction for the Green Ranger for the planned sequel, though that never materialized.

I quite enjoyed the film, though it had issues, especially in terms of its pacing and approach to the villains, but the actual Rangers themselves were fantastic. If you look at the cast Lionsgate assembled for it, it’s a star-studded affair, and they even had Elizabeth Banks for the villain, which should have been gold. Unfortunately, several choices held it back from being the mainstream juggernaut the franchise clearly hoped it would be, and that led to a full change in approach for the franchise that was supposed to connect Movies and TV.

Unfortunately, that didn’t materialize either, as it was just recently confirmed those plans (which involved Netflix) have been scrapped. Now the focus is on Paramount’s plans for the franchise, which will likely be a full reboot. While we wait on more details for that reboot, there was a point where a sequel seemed possible to the 2017 reboot. In an interview with TV Insider, Blue Ranger star RJ Cyler was asked what he would love to see in a sequel to the film, and he revealed several elements and characters he hoped would get a bigger spotlight in a sequel.

“I want to see the growth Jason has with his pa,โ€ Cyler said. โ€œIn our movie, they had the father-parent relationship like Mufasa and Simbaโ€ฆ I want to see how deep in forgiveness and understanding both of them get with each other. They softened in the last movie, but I want to see how their relationship evolves. I also want to see more of the Trini character because there were a lot of good nuggets of who Trini is and how she could potentially be a part of the LGBT community. I want to see the development of that. Fanโ€™s lives can change with that.โ€

โ€œAlso, with Billy the possibilities of being a superhero on the autism spectrum. I recently went to Power Morphicon,โ€ Cyler said. โ€œI never felt so much love from such a big crowd of people. Talking to each of them, whether they are on the spectrum or not, Billy related to them on some level. I want to continue to give that. I want to continue to give that person that makes them feel comfortable or find something in common. It gives them freedom of mind to chase what they want to chase.โ€

What did you think of the 2017 Power Rangers reboot, and will you be giving it a rewatch? Let us know in the comments, and you can talk all things Power Rangers with me on Bluesky @knightofoa!