Loki Season 2 Episode 5 Recap With Spoilers
Loki, Mobius, Sylvie, and more get new status quos in Season 2 Episode 5.
We're nearing the final stretch of Loki Season 2, a Disney+ series that has brought a unique tonal shift for the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The fourth episode of this season put Loki (Tom Hiddleston) and company through the proverbial — and in a way, literal — wringer, with a cliffhanger ending that was pretty shocking. Loki clearly has a lot to cover in its remaining two episodes — and we're here to break down all that that entails. Keep reading to find out what happens in the fifth episode of Loki's sophomore season. Obviously, spoilers for Season 2, Episode 5 of Loki below! Only look if you want to know!
What Happens in Loki Season 2 Episode 5?
Loki wakes up after the Temporal Loom explosion, discovering that everyone else has disappeared. He walks through the empty TVA headquarters, and begins timeslipping again, which he is unhappy about. He briefly finds a man reading the TVA manual, but timeslips before he can approach him — and later realizes that the man is actually a version of himself, from slightly forward in the future. The TVA begins to disintegrate into strings of time, as the organization's "fail safe" mode is initiated.
Casey ends up in a jail cell, where he and two men try to orchestrate a prison break. The prison is in a branched timeline at Alcatraz in 1962 San Francisco. Loki finds Casey, but he doesn't recognize him, and he goes by Frank. They begin to escape in a boat, and Loki timeslips away anyway. Loki continues to timeslip — to McDonald's, to a jet ski store, and to the TVA's time theater. Hunter B-15 is in a branched timeline in a hospital in 2012 New York, tending to a girl who needs a cast on her arm. Loki timeslips in and out of the scene quickly. Mobius — aka Don — is in a branched timeline where he is a jetski store operator in 2022 Cleveland, Ohio. He tries, and fails, to sell a jetski to a customer. Loki timeslips to the store and talks to Don, who doesn't recognize him.
In 1994 Pasadena, O.B. (also known as A.D. Doug) tries — and fails — to sell his own book at a bookstore. He returns home (to a house that looks a lot like his office in the TVA) and Loki timeslips to him, and he immediately believes his story. O.B. argues that Loki should theoretically be able to control his timeslipping and end up back at the TVA, because the ability already seems to be evolving better. Loki argues that the TVA is the last defense to stop Kang and what's coming, and O.B. says that mission to save the TVA should be something Loki can control. Loki tries to deliberately timeslip, and fails. O.B. tries different things — electric shocks, scaring him — to activate it, but that doesn't work either. O.B. eventually suggests that they get the group back together, and track their collective temporal auras back to the TVA. The only problem is that O.B. doesn't think he can build a TemPad from scratch, but Loki is able to give him the TVA manual to help — only to timeslip again.
Loki ends up outside of Mobius/Don's house, where he is trying to rein in his two kids, Kevin and Sean. Loki approaches, and Don decides to sell him one of his personal jet skis, because he doesn't need two after the death of his wife. Loki starts telling Don about Mobius' real life, and he initially is skeptic — until O.B. shows up through a Time Door with the fully-functioning TemPad, which took him 19 months to build. Don worries about leaving his boys behind, but eventually agrees to go with Loki. He is able to convince both Hunter B-15 and Casey/Frank to join the cause as well. They all regroup at O.B.'s house.
That still leaves Sylvie, who is back at McDonalds in the 80s. Her bag of food starts to disappear, just as Loki arrives through a Time Door. Sylvie's life didn't get reset when the Loom exploded, so she immediately invites Loki into her car and takes him to a local bar. Loki argues that everyone should have the choice to stay with the TVA or return to their normal lives, and Sylvie disagrees. Loki says he wants his friends back, because he doesn't belong without them. Loki returns to O.B.'s house, and tells everyone to go back home.
Sylvie listens to a Velvet Underground record at her local record store, as reality starts to bleed and disappear around her. At the last possible second, she uses a Time Door to escape and arrive at O.B.'s house. Sylvie admits that time is falling apart, and the team tries to find the TemPad, just as Casey begins to disappear. O.B., Hunter B-15, and Mobius all do the same. Sylvie admits that there's nowhere left to go, and she disappears. Loki begins to cry out at the time around him, and that somehow manages to timeslip him back in time — first a few seconds, and then a minute or so. He tells the group that he was able to successfully control it, by focusing on the "who" he wants to travel back to.
He successfully time slips back to before the Loom exploded.
ComicBook.com's podcast Phase Zero will be recording live episodes every week following Loki season 2's new episodes on Disney+. Each week we will review, breakdown, and discuss the latest installment of the new Marvel series immediately after the episode's conclusion! The new episodes will be broadcast live on the Phase Zero channel on YouTube before being made available on all major podcast platforms. Phase Zero will begin its 5-minute timer to start the live show at 9:45pm ET on Thursday, October 5. You can subscribe to the Phase Zero channel now and turn on notifications to make sure you don't miss the Loki Season 2 bonus episodes!