Bret Hart Wants Goldberg Out of the WWE Hall of Fame

Bret Hart's disdain for Bill Goldberg is well-documented, but now "The Hitman" wants "Da Man" removed from the WWE Hall of Fame. Hart's animosity stretches back to 1999's Starrcade event, in which Goldberg nailed Hart with a thurst kick during their WCW World Heavyweight Championship match and gave him what wound up being a career-ending concussion. Hart has discussed his frustration with Goldberg ever since. 

Hart recently took part in a K&S Wrestlefest signing and once again brought up Goldberg, saying, "I always thought that if Goldberg got into the Hall of Fame then Horowitz should've gone into the Hall of Fame. Horowitz can actually wrestle. Goldberg never could. I think he got in there for hurting everybody he worked with...They should [on being told that WWE should put Horowitz into the Hall of Fame]. They should take Goldberg out."

Hart's Anger for Goldberg

This is far from the first time Hart has talked publicly about Goldberg. While talking with Sean Mooney in 2019, Hart said, "I wish that Bill Goldberg had never kicked me in the head as hard as he could. I don't know how you give a guy a Hall of Fame thing for hurting as many wrestlers as Bill Goldberg hurt, and without consequence. He usually got a pat on the back and told how good of job he did out there, when you're scraping the wrestler that worked with him off the mat.

"When Bill Goldberg kicked me in the head, I honest to God, I lost about 16 million dollars in like one second," he continued. "I just signed with WCW for three million a year for another three years on top of the two years I had left on my original contract, so it was bad timing, and unfortunate."

Goldberg's Apology

The WCW legend has repeatedly apologized for what happened, even as it seems to fall on deaf ears. While on The Michael Kay Show back in July, he said, "Yes, as Goldberg the character and as Goldberg the human. There's no question about it. When an accident happens and you tell your side of the story and nobody believes it, especially the person who is negatively affected by it, yeah it sucks. And I will take it to my grave, because I am sure that he will never forgive me. But, hey man what else can I say? I said I was sorry and that it was unintentional, and it was the furthest thing from my mind, I don't know, a million times? 

"And of those a million times, he's come back with, 'Yes, it was intentional. And he's a punk. And he didn't know what he was doing and he ruined my career.' You know, it sucks. But you can lead a horse to water, and you can shove their face in the damn water, but you can't make 'em suck it up the esophagus. So if you can tell that I'm pretty pissed off about the fact that he still harbors it, yeah, it sucks," he added.

h/t Sportskeeda