My Hero Academia Season 7 is finally here with its first episode, and with it revealed the surprising tie that All Might has to Star and Stripe’s origin story! At the end of My Hero Academia Season 6, it was revealed that out of all the heroes All Might had asked for help from different countries, it was the United States of America’s own number one hero that moved into action. This hero, Star and Stripe, was also revealed to have a shared look with All Might, and now it’s been explained that her connect with All Might goes deeper than just admiration.ย
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My Hero Academia Season 7 has premiered the first episode, and with it unleashed the highly anticipated fight between Star and Stripe and Tomura Shigaraki in the skies above Japan. This means that the anime finally showed off more of Star and Stripe in action along with her personality. It was then explained that not only did Star and Stripe not hesitate to answer All Might’s call for help despite what punishment she might get from the American government, but also is willing to do whatever it takes to help someone who inspired her to become a hero in the first place.ย

My Hero Academia Season 7: Star and Stripe Origin Explained
My Hero Academia Season 7 Episode 1 picks right back up with Star and Stripe facing Shigaraki in the skies, and Star and Stripe refers to All Might as “Master.” It’s then explained in a flashback that Star and Stripe was actually a young girl who had been saved by All Might during his time in America as a younger hero (as seen during the My Hero Academia: Two Heroesย movie). She was inspired after seeing All Might in such action that she pursued becoming a hero herself.ย
It’s also why Star and Stripe looks like All Might with her heroic gear, but of course taken to a new level fitting of America’s number one hero. She’s also revealed to have strength on par with All Might thanks to the use of her New Order quirk, and just in the premiere alone fans have seen how Star and Stripe has used All Might as an inspiration to make her the powerful hero as she is today. But as the anime continues, we’ll see that power tested even further.ย