Digimon Adventure’s 20th Anniversary anime series now has a few episodes under its belt, and surprised fans with a new ending theme sequence debuted with the newest episode of the series. Digimon Adventure has been going through a number of changes recently as the last few weeks have been introducing each of the DigiDestined’s Ultimate Evolutions. As they dive further into the Dark Continent in search of the Holy Digimon, their Digital World is beginning to expand out even further. This is shown through the new ending theme sequence as well as it has expanded in its own way.
Episode 14 of the series debuted this new ending theme titled “Q?” as performed by Reol. This new ending theme is a much different style from the series itself, and is quite the adorable look at the DigiDestined. Most importantly, the ending theme has expanded to include the entire group rather than just solely focus on Matt and Tai like the first ending. You can check it out for yourself below thanks to Toei Animation’s official Twitter account!
Videos by ComicBook.com
One of the important additions to this new ending theme sequence as well is T.K. and Patamon. Although he and later addition Kari can be seen in the opening theme sequence, his inclusion to this new ending theme alongside the rest of the DigiDestined group tease that he’ll be joining the adventures soon.
Here’s the new ending video and song for DIGIMON ADVENTURE:! ๐ถ๐พ
โ Toei Animation (@ToeiAnimation) September 6, 2020
Song: Q? by Japanese artist Reol!
Watch it in the closing credits of the new series from episode 14! Now on simulcast streaming!#ClosingSong #Digimon #DigimonAdventure pic.twitter.com/4KuhXNFC6W
Considering how much the two of them play into the end of the first arc of the original series, it’s no real surprise to see the duo added here. It is good to see a soft confirmation, however, as the new Digimon Adventure series has been changing other aspects of the series around in some pretty unrecognizable ways. But what do you think?
What do you think of Digimon Adventure‘s newest ending theme sequence? How does it compare to the first ending theme? How do you like the opening theme for the series? How are you liking the 20th Anniversary revival anime series so far? Let us know your thoughts in the comments or you can even reach out to me directly about all things animated and other cool stuff @Valdezology on Twitter!