Super Dragon Ball Heroes has revealed the release date for the next episode of its New Space-Time War arc! The promotional anime series for the arcade game in Japan is now in the midst of its second season, and has recently kicked off a brand new arc. Following the events of the Universal Conflict and Universe Creation sagas, a whole new multiverse wide war has kicked off as Goku and Vegeta have found themselves in a brand new universe created through Fu’s dark power. With this new universe comes the potential for all sorts of new battles, so each new episode has been highly anticipated.
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It’s looking like the wait for the next big episode in the series is almost over as Super Dragon Ball Heroes has confirmed the release date for New Space-Time War Arc Episode 2. As reported by @DBSChronicles on Twitter, the next episode of this arc is kicking off on April 15th in Japan. With this confirmed release date also comes a new synopsis for the episode as well.
Episode 2 of Super Dragon Ball Heroes‘ New Space-Time War arc is titled “Warrior in Black Appears! A New Adventure Starts!” and its description (as translated by @DBSChronicles) begins as such, “Goku and Hearts fight against the Xeno-ised Freeza and Cooler. Suddenly, Broly appears out of nowhere, and starts attacking indiscriminately.”
It seems that the troubles don’t end with Broly, however, as a new warrior is throw into things as Goku and Hearts now must take their unexpected tag team to a whole new level, “In a predicament, a mysterious warrior dressed in black appears. After a chance encounter with the red masked Saiyan, Goku sets out on an adventure to gather all the Dragon Balls with Hearts to escape from the new Space-Time.”
It has yet to be revealed how many episodes this second season of Super Dragon Ball Heroes‘ promotional anime series will last, but it seems this new arc will be exploring some uncharted territories with this next slate of episodes. New Saiyans, old Saiyan threats, and a whole new universe are now set to be explored, so at least it won’t be much longer until the next episode!
How are you feeling about Super Dragon Ball Heroes‘ second season so far? Ready for the next episode? Let us know your thoughts in the comments or you can even reach out to me directly about all things animated and other cool stuff @Valdezology on Twitter!