
Futurama Season 11 Episode 3 Sneak Peek Clip Released (Exclusive)

Futurama Season 11 releases sneak peek clip at Hulu’s next episode.

Futurama Season 11 is getting ready for its next big episode, and we have the exclusive first look at Episode 3 coming our way next week! Futurama Season 11 has picked up right where the series left off a decade ago following its second cancellation, and the new episodes now streaming on Hulu have already followed up on some of the big questions fans have had for a very long time. At the same time, it’s hard to guess where each new episode of this next season is going to go as quite a lot has happened in the world in the past ten years. 

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One big fad that’s popped up has been the world of bitcoin mining, and that seems to be the focus for Futurama’s next big episode. But with a new Bitcoin rush inspiring the Planet Express crew to head west, it’s led to all sorts of wild new situations such as the one seen in the newest clip for the episode released by Hulu. Showing off Dr. Zoidberg taking over as the doctor of this western town after a hilarious run in with the returning Roberto, you can check out the sneak peek clip for Futurama Season 11 Episode 3 in the video above! 


How to Watch Futurama Season 11 Episode 3

Futurama Season 11 Episode 3 is titled “How the West Was 1010001,” and Hulu teases the episode as such, “Bender and the crew head west to join the bitcoin mining rush.” Futurama Season 11 is now streaming on a weekly basis with Hulu, and will be ten episodes long. The series has been revived for two seasons overall with original co-creators Matt Groening and David X. Cohen returning as executive producers together with the also returning Ken Keeler and Claudia Katz. As for what’s coming this season overall, Hulu teases Futurama Season 11 as such: 

“After a brief ten-year hiatus, Futurama has crawled triumphantly from the cryogenic tube, its full original cast and satirical spirit intact. The ten all-new episodes of season eleven have something for everyone. New viewers will be able to pick up the series from here, while long-time fans will recognize payoffs to decades-long mysteries  – including developments in the epic love story of Fry and Leela, the mysterious contents of Nibbler’s litter box, the secret history of evil Robot Santa, and the whereabouts of Kif and Amy’s tadpoles. Meanwhile there’s a whole new pandemic in town as the crew explores the future of vaccines, bitcoin, cancel culture, and streaming TV.”

What are you hoping to see in Futurama’s next episode? Let us know all of your thoughts about it in the comments! You can even reach out to me directly about all things animation and other cool stuff @Valdezology on Twitter!