JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure is set to return to the world of anime with the upcoming story of Jotaro Kujo’s daughter, Jolyne, who is attempting to clear her name during the appropriately titled Stone Ocean series, but one fan has dived into the past of the series by creating sparkling Cosplay for one of Golden Wind’s biggest characters in Bucciarati. With Bruno most likely having no part to play in the upcoming season, being killed in the final episodes of the fifth part of the franchise, it’s no surprise that fans would want to dive into the past of the bizarre series.
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Bucciarati might not have been a Joestar, but he is considered by many to be the true protagonist of Golden Wind, appearing almost as often in the story as Giorno Giovanni, the Joestar who was linked to the bloodline via his role as the son of Dio Brando. While Stone Ocean won’t be featuring Bruno or Giorno during the story, expect some major revelations when it not only comes to Dio Brando, but the plans he put into action following his demise at the hands of Jotaro Kujo during the season final of Stardust Crusaders. Needless to say, fans of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure are hyped for the anime adaptation of one of the strangest Arcs of the series to date.
Instagram Cosplayer Red Brick Cosplay shared this sparkling Cosplay that brings Bucciarati back to life, capturing the insane aesthetic of the man who was hoping to turn the tide when it came to the nefarious decisions being made by the Passione Mafia:
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Many JoJo fans were heartbroken when the latest Anime Expo panel that was dedicated to JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure didn’t reveal a trailer or release date for the upcoming story of Hirohiko Araki’s franchise, though it did reveal that a new streaming event was taking place this August. With many believing that this upcoming Stone Ocean event might finally give JoJo enthusiasts the information they’ve been dying for, it’s clear that there are plenty of fans who are dying to see when Stone Ocean will finally arrive on the small screen.
What do you think of this unique Cosplay that brings Bruno back to life? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of the Joestars.