JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure is getting ready for a big December, with Netflix debuting the sixth part of the anime in Stone Ocean and the manga series unleashing a new spin-off series that follows the story of the Diamond Is Unbreakable protagonist, Josuke Higashikata. With the series created by Hirohiko Araki continuing to pick up steam in the popularity department, a pair of Cosplayers has revisited the earlier days of the series in Phantom Blood, revisiting Jonathan Joestar and Dio Brando in one of the most tragic moments of the series long before Stands were a regular aspect of the anime.
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Phantom Blood was our first introduction to the world of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, introducing what is perhaps the most virtuous Joestar in Jonathan, who never had a Stand of his own but rather utilized the power of the ripple to take down vampires in his path. Set on a collision course with his adopted brother Dio, the grand finale of the first part of the franchise saw Dio attempting to take Jonathan’s body for his own with the Joestar sacrificing his own life in a bid to end the vampiric reign of Brando, but unfortunately, as fans know, Dio would return, with his head sitting atop Jonathan’s body.
Instagram Cosplayers All Mighty Cosplay and Trash Can Cosplay shared this amazingly spot-on recreation of the finale of Phantom Blood, which set the stage for the return of the villainous vampire in the third part of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders, wherein Dio returned to threaten the new generation of Joestars:
Stone Ocean is set to arrive on December 1st, with the star of the series set as Jolyne Cujoh, the daughter of the man that killed Dio Brando, Jotaro Kujo. Though Dio is currently deceased, the sixth part of the anime franchise is set to focus on a revenge plot that he has enacted from beyond the grave, promising fans some big surprises from the past of the Hirohiko Araki franchise while offering plenty of new Stand battles for fans to sink their teeth into.
What do you think of this ingenious Cosplay? What JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure are you most looking forward to diving into this December? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVCOmedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of the Joestars.