My Hero Academia Season 5 Reveals How Much Ochaco Thinks of Izuku

My Hero Academia revealed just how much Ochaco Uraraka thinks of Izuku Midoriya with the newest [...]

My Hero Academia revealed just how much Ochaco Uraraka thinks of Izuku Midoriya with the newest episode of the fifth season! The newest season of the anime series is nearing its final slate of episodes focusing entirely on what the villains have been doing this whole time, but before that can happen, the newest episode of the series needed to wrap up the final important moments on the heroes' side of things. One of these important moments is a final check in on the young heroes of Class 1-A following their week of work study.

As Ochaco Uraraka shows off her new hero costume to her fellow classmates (after making her debut with it during a mission together with the pro heroes Ryukyu and Selkie in an earlier episode), the newest episode actually revealed another new addition to her costume that fans didn't expect to see. Apparently, Ochaco's been holding onto the small All Might netsuke keychain that Izuku Midoriya had given to her during the Christmas holidays as seen earlier in the season. It's something Ochaco wanted to keep hidden from the others though.

Episode 107 of the series sees each of the Class 1-A heroes reunite following their work studies, and it's here that the other young women react to the changes Ochaco's made to her hero gear. When Ashido inspects her gear for a closer look, the small All Might key chain falls out and Ochaco immediately runs and grabs it before any of the others can get a good look at what it is. Unfortunately for her, Mina Ashido quickly pieces together that this was Izuku's gift to her.

Knowing how much Ochaco likes Izuku, Mina tries to push on this further as a sort of confirmation of her crush but Ochaco then explains that it's not the case. She then gives a forlorn look while saying she's simply keeping it "close and safe." Couple this with how quickly Ochaco jumped in to help Izuku from his Blackwhip going berserk earlier in the season, and this small moment shows just how much she thinks about her connection with him.

At this point, it doesn't seem like a romantic connection but instead more of an admiration for the young hero she strove to be like more following the Hero License Exam. She's thinking about him in a much different way than before, and keeping him "close and safe" to her at all times. But what did you think of this Ochaco moment? What do you think it means for the two of them overall? Let us know all of your thoughts about it in the comments! You can even reach out to me directly about all things animated and other cool stuff @Valdezology on Twitter!