My Hero Academia has been keeping Izuku in line these days with his growing powers, and he has way more to work through before he’s done. When the boy was given One For All, Izuku expected to inherit a single power, but that did not pan out. Thanks to the manga, fans know more about how multifaceted One For All is, and some fans have dug up new details about one of the quirk’s most mysterious users.
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If you are caught up with the manga, you will know there is something up with one of the former One For All users. My Hero Academia fans have met the fifth user as well as the seventh user. Of course, All Might ranks as the eighth user while Izuku clocks in as the ninth. The first user is none other than All For One’s younger brother. But when it comes to thee fourth user, fans have been jerked around with some unsettling details.

Readers learned recently that All Might has been hiding something about All For One, and Bakugo wants to know what’s up. This small note prompted some fans to go back to previous chapters where All Might had out his notebook about All For One. It was there users HeroAca Kosatsu Kenkyujo and Cosanji worked to translate the teacher’s muddled entries. And thanks to the user shibuyasmash, fans have a translation of the notes.
Much of the text for the fourth user is obscured in comparison to its blurb about the fifth. However, some details can be sussed out. It seems the fourth user lived in a forest somewhere remote, and much of All Might’s information on the user is hearsay. The accuracy of his information is up in the air, but All Might does note the user’s quirk is difficult to use. This fact was apparently shared by the fourth user before he transferred One For All to the fifth user. And from that point on, the rest of the text is blacked out by All Might.
This information might not mean a lot without context, but it gives a better picture of the former user. It seems the fourth vestige was rather reclusive and preferred to stay out of the way. This explains why there is such little info about him available, but there is no explanation for why the fourth isolated himself. That mystery has yet to be explored, but fans can rest assured Izuku will solve the case before long.
What do you think about this discovery? Are you wary of the former One For All user? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below or hit me up on Twitter @MeganPetersCB.