Eiichiro Oda, the creator of the popular Shonen franchise One Piece, hasn’t been shy about the fact that the famous mangaka is planning to end the story of the Straw Hat Pirates within the next five years. With the manga seeing insane levels of success, spending years at the top of the chart, one editor dove into the eventual ending for the Straw Hats and created a special trailer to honor the crew of Monkey D. Luffy. Though the Wano Arc is currently the talk of the town when it comes to One Piece at the moment, plenty of fans are dreading the day when Oda’s story will come to a close.
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The clip was posted on Youtube by the user VIVEK MURMU. The trailer, which can be found above, shows off the story we’ve seen so far with One Piece. The Straw Hats heroes are seen one by one as they make their way out of the East Blue and into the great wide world.
Of course, the epic reel shows off some of the best moments in One Piece, and VIVEK MIMARU spared no expense with their reel. After all, guys like Zoro and Sanji deserve a very flashy intro, and who are we to stop the pirates from getting what they want?
As you can imagine, fans have been showering the trailer with love, but there is an undertone of sadness. It is hard to imagine One Piece ending, but that prospect has become increasingly real in the last few years. One Piece still has a long way to go before wrapping, but creator Eiichiro Oda is no longer waving off the finale. Instead, the artist has become more honest about the fact that Luffy’s adventures will end one day.
There is no firm date for One Piece‘s finale, but Oda and his team have made nods to a timeline of sorts. It seems the crew expects the manga to run another five years or so. Obviously, that is nice because it means the big finale is a ways away, but fans are growing closer to that close by the day. So if you want to catch up on One Piece before it ends, you better get a head start!
What do you think about this fan-made trailer? Can you even imagine how the finale of One Piece might go down? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below or hit me up on Twitter @MeganPetersCB.