Marvel’s X-Men Universe is currently entering a dark new era with “Fall of X,” a crossover story event that is running through various Marvel comics, as well as launching a few new series. The X-Men’s mutant nation of Krakoa was undone by the human organization Orchis, who slaughtered several key X-Men and coerced Prof. X into leading nearly all of mutantkind off of Earth, stranding them in a mysterious desert realm. Earth is now an occupied enemy territory for the remaining X-Men and their allies, who are hiding from Orchis while using guerilla-style tactics to battle their foes.ย
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As “Fall of X” kicks off in full this month, Marvel fans are looking back at the history of X-Men comics for full perspective on what Fall of X is bringing to the table, and where this latest crossover ranks among famous X-Men storylines!ย
Here are the 10 best (or “X”) best X-Men story events, ranked from lowest to highest.ย
NOTE: While they are ranked from 1 to 10, this list, on the whole, represents some of the best X-Men stories of all time. There are no “losers” here โ Marvel fans should read ALL of these arcs.ย
10. Fall of the Mutants
One of the biggest early X-Men crossover events is still one of the most enduring ones, in terms of quality. There are many iconic things that happened across the “Fall of the Mutants” storyline, including Angel’s transformation into Archangel and X-Factor’s battle against Apocalypse and his four horsemen; Senator Robert Kelly and his Mutant Registration Act creating dark alternate futures for mutants; the entire X-Men team dying and being resurrected to fight a mystical Adversary, and the death of the New Mutant Cypher, whose life and connection to the Phalanx being Warlock has become a major subplot of X-Men lore.ย
“Fall of the Mutants” was also a major company-wide crossover, with Daredevil, Fantastic Four, Hulk, and the Power Pack all having major tie-in stories. In many ways, “Fall of the Mutants” is the prototype for everything we see now in “Fall of X.”ย
Synopsis:ย The X-Men and their allies face war on every front! X-Factor comes up against their deadliest challenge yet in Apocalypse and his Horsemen, including the all-new โ and all-too-familiar โ Archangel! The New Mutants lose one of their own on an island of horrors! The X-Men take on the lethal Marauders โ and the survivors will be asked to sacrifice themselves to stop the demonic Adversary! Featuring tie-ins starring Captain America, Daredevil, the Fantastic Four, the Hulk and Power Pack, this is one of the most devastating X-Men crossovers of all time!
Comic Issues: ย New Mutants (1983) #55-61; Uncanny X-Men (1981) #220-227; X-Factor (1986) #18-26; Captain America (1968) #339; Daredevil (1964) #252; Fantastic Four (1961) #312; Incredible Hulk (1968) #336-337, 340; Power Pack (1984) #35.
9. The Mutant Massacre
X-Men crossover events began right here in 1986 with the “Mutant Massacre” storyline. The underground community of mutants known as The Morlocks were attacked and slaughtered by Mister Sinister and his Marauders โ an event that forever left a stain on mutant culture. Angel was brutally crucified by the Marauders while other X-Men were seriously injured; the Morlocks lost many members of their community, and Sinister and the Marauders entered a whole new league of infamy.ย
Many iconic moments in X-Men โ from Angel’s crucifixion to a brutal Wolverine vs. Sabertooth fight, to Gambit’s complicated role in helping cause the Mutant Massacre โ this story is the reason the X-Men now have crossover events every year.ย
Synopsis: The Morlocks: a community of mutant outcasts living beneath the streets of Manhattan. The Marauders: professional mutant assassins, employed by a mysterious evil to wipe out the Morlocks! Between the two stand some of Marvel’s most heroic: the X-Men, X-Factor, the New Mutants, Power Pack, Daredevil and Thor! But taken by surprise by the Marauders’ overwhelming onslaught, can these disparate heroes hope to save any of the Morlocks? And even if they can, what will be the cost? Be there as the X-Men are shattered, Thor is grievously wounded and the Angel is changed forever!
Comic Issues: Uncanny X-Men (1981) #210-214, X-Factor (1986) #9-11, New Mutants (1983) #46, Thor (1966) #373-374, Power Pack (1984) #27 And Daredevil (1964) #238.
8. Onslaught
In the mid-1990s, X-Men did something rarely achieved in comics: stringing fans along for an entire year on one major mystery: “Who is Onslaught?”ย
The X-Men started to find evidence of a being of immense power making moves across the mutant world, doing things like beating down Juggernaut and stealing the design specs for new Sentinels, while also attempting to “test” various X-Men and their loyalties.ย
What the X-Men didn’t know what that “Onslaught” was actually Charles Xavier, whose mind created the evil persona after erasing his rival Magneto’s brain in the “Fatal Attractions” crossover of the 1990s. The combined psyches and powers of Xavier and Magneto made Onslaught an Omega-level threat โ especially when it learns to pull itself out of the psychic Astral Plane and into the physical world.
The original “Onslaught” crossover storyline actually paid off the lengthy mystery with an epic showdown, that required the Avengers and Fantastic Four to finish the fight. Defeating Onslaught’s final form of raw psychic powers seemingly caused the deaths of the Avengers and F4, sparking backlash from humanity that sent mutantkind on the run for their lives.ย
Synopsis:ย For months, the force of nature known only as Onslaught has struck from the shadows โ but when the X-Men discover Onslaught’s startling true identity, the villain’s plan kicks into high gear! Determined to punish mankind for a litany of sins, Onslaught laid siege to the X-Men, Avengers, Fantastic Four and more โ kicking off a cataclysmic conflict destined to deprive a world of its most revered icons! Earth’s greatest heroes face their ultimate enemy in an explosive saga that transformed the Marvel Universe!
Comic Issues: Uncanny X-Men (1981) #333-337; X-Men (1991) #53-57; Onslaught (1996): X-Men, Marvel Universe, Epilogue; Avengers (1963) #401; Fantastic Four (1961) #415; Wolverine (1988) #104; Cable (1993) #35.ย
7. The X-Cutioner’s Song
The “X-Cutioner’s Song” was a blessedly simple story premise that also represented Marvel Comics finding ways to turn crossovers into premium promotional events in the early ’90s. Each issue of the crossover offered readers a limited edition trading card โ in exchange for a price bump on the books.ย
The actual story sees Charles Xavier get shot and infected with the infamous Techno-organic virus, by someone who looks just like X-Force leader Cable (but was really his evil clone, Stryfe). Stryfe partners with Mister Sinister to impersonate Apocalypse and take control of his horsemen โ until the real Apocalypse finds out and gets involved. ย
X-Cutioners song is one of the most efficiently-paced and exciting X-Men crossover storylines there is, elevating Sinister, Apocalypse, and Stryfe into villains that threaten the X-Men across many timelines. It was also a great showcase of the different X-books of the time, with the X-Men, X-Factor, and X-Force all fighting each other and the villains at different points. It also ended with the introduction of the Legacy Virus, which would influence X-Men books throughout the ’90s.ย
Synopsis: When Cyclops and Phoenix are kidnapped โ and Cable seemingly assassinates Professor X โ the X-Men, X-Factor and X-Force go to war…with each other! Witness epic battles around the globe and on the moon as Mr. Sinister’s subtle plan of vengeance on Apocalypse unfolds and major revelations are made about the true identities of Cable and his twisted doppelgรคnger, Stryfe! Featuring blood, angst, sacrifice and great big guns as Marvel’s mutant families dance to the villains’ twisted tune!
Comic Issues: Uncanny X-Men (1981) #294-297, X-Factor (1986) #84-86, X-Men (1991) #14-16, X-Force (1991) #16-18, Stryfe’s Strike File #1.ย
6. Operation Zero Tolerance
“Operation: Zero Tolerance” is the sequel crossover to the “Onslaught” storyline, but is arguably the superior storyline. After Onslaught’s attack, the American government hands power to a mysterious man named Bastion, who launches the “Zero Tolerance” program of locating and detaining mutants.ย
“Zero Tolerance” introduced a whole new era of Marvel’s mutant-hunting Sentinels, with normal human agents being converted into “sleeper” agents fitted with Sentinel cyborg tech. Zero Tolerance introduced some X-Men characters that are still fan favorites (Maggot, Marrow, Ceila Reyes), as well as new visions of future timeline threats when it was revealed that “Bastion” is actually a Sentinel himself โ a combination of a future Nimrod Sentinel and the modern-day Master Mold unit that builds Sentinels. The Prime Sentinels’ ability to pop up anywhere, anytime, made for some horror-thriller-style storytelling; in terms of edge-of-your-seat X-Men crossovers, “Operation: Zero Tolerance” is one of the best.ย
Synopsis:ย A rogue government strike force, backed by powerful international forces and led by the mystery man known only as Bastion, has launched a massive strike against the X-Men. Jubilee and Professor X are already Bastion’s captives, and now Operation: Zero Tolerance and its insidious new Prime Sentinels have overrun the X-Mansion and imprisoned half the X-Men โ leaving Iceman to fend for himself on the streets of New York! Cable and the X-Men must fight a war on many fronts โ but it’s a war they’re losing. Can even the arrival of Marrow, Maggott and Cecilia Reyes turn the tide? Or will this be the X-Men’s darkest hour?ย
Comic Issues: ย GENERATION X (1994) #27, X-MEN (1991) #65-70, UNCANNY X-MEN (1981) #346, WOLVERINE (1988) #115-118 and CABLE (1993) #45-47
5. The Dark Phoenix Saga
The “Dark Phoenix Saga” is one of the most epic and iconic X-Men story events of all time. By now the plot is all-too-well-known, with Jean Grey taking on the Phoenix Force power, and the X-Men traveling to the Shi’ar Empire to battle for the M’Kraan Crystal, and Jean Grey’s seeming death when the power of the Phoenix drives her to madness.ย
While it was contained entirely in the Uncanny X-Men comic book of 1980, Dark Phoenix stands out as one of the most influential and enduring X-Men stories ever, having been adapted into both a lengthy story arc in the X-Men animated series and a live-action Dark Phoenix feature-film.ย
Synopsis: The greatest comic-book saga ever told… It begins with a shocking story in which Marvel Girl sacrifices herself…only to be reborn as Phoenix! But when a galaxy-spanning adventure reveals that Jean Grey has somehow attained power beyond conception, Cyclops and the X-Men can only watch as Phoenix is corrupted, absolutely. As the team faces the Shi’ar Empire, Hellfire Club and more, can Jean Grey be redeemed?
Comic Issues: Uncanny X-Men (1963) #129-137.ย
4. Days of Future Past
X-Men: Days of Future Past is such a famous X-Men story that it too has been adapted into both an animated series storyline, and a live-action movie.ย
Moreover, “Days of Future Past” has been so influential on the X-Men comics that in many ways the entire point of the series has become the X-Men fighting to avoid the kind of horrible dystopian future of ‘Days of Future Past.’ย
While many fans have now experienced the story of DoFP through its screen adaptations, the classic comic tale by Chris Claremont and John Byrne is one every fan should read.ย
Synopsis: Relive the legendary first journey into the dystopian future of 2013 โ where Sentinels stalk the Earth, and the X-Men are humanity’s only hope…until they die! Also featuring the first appearance of Alpha Flight, the return of the Wendigo, the history of the X-Men from Cyclops himself…and a demon for Christmas!?
Comic Issues: UNCANNY X-MEN (1963) #138-143 and X-MEN ANNUAL #4.
3. House of M
The 2005 “House of M” storyline has become a classic and iconic one. The nice thing about House of M is that while it puts the X-Men at the center of the story arc, it is also a story that affects the entire Marvel Universe.ย
After Wanda Maximoff had her self-created delusion of motherhood shattered, she became a threat to all reality. Prof. X, Doctor Strange, The Avengers, and Magneto all tried to aid Wanda, but it was ultimately decided her life must be ended. Quicksilver pleaded with Wanda to build a reality that made people content and happy with their reality; with Xavier’s help, Wanda did just that.ย
The House of M reality put mutants in the dominant species position over humans, with Magneto’s “House of M” ruling everything. Wolverine’s healing factor makes him the lone person who remembers that the world is broken โ but “fixing” it means something entirely different when those who are “brainwashed” are also happy with the new world. House of M led to the cataclysmic “M Day”, which left mutants nearly extinct and took the X-Men Universe into a bold new (weird) direction during the 2000s.ย
Synopsis: The unstable Scarlet Witch has rewritten reality โ into a world where Magneto is king! In this “House of M,” mutants are Earth’s dominant species, living glamorous lives and reigning over the oppressed Sapien class. But Wolverine, now a member of Magnus’ peacekeeping force S.H.I.E.L.D., remembers how the world used to be. And his quest to find and awaken his former allies in the Avengers and X-Men sparks a revolution that aims to tear down Wanda’s strange new world!
Comic Issues: House of M (2005) #1-8.
2. House of X / Powers of X
Writer Jonathan Hickman is responsible for the biggest revision to X-Men lore, possibly ever. The two-part House of X and Powers of X limited series that were released in 2019 were some of the most ambitious Marvel storytelling ever done, and definitely a game-changer X-Men story.ย
HoX/PoX saw mutants build their own nation on the mutant island of Krakoa, inviting both “good” and “evil” mutants alike to live there. Krakoa bought its sovereignty from the world by creating three miracle drugs that could extend human life and cure all kinds of diseases, creating economic and political power to rival the most powerful of Earth’s nations. More crucially, Krakoa introduced new methods of mutants using their powers in combination to create a system of resurrection, that could bring any mutant back from the dead without limit โ something they need when brutal new anti-mutant organizations (Orchis, XENO) spring up to challenge Krakoa.ย
If all that wasn’t enough, the story retconned Moira Mactaggert into “Moira X,” an all-powerful mutant whose power is starting her own life over upon death, allowing her to alter the path of the future. The visions of alternate timelines Moira lived gave X-Men an entirely new overarching story, where man, mutant, and machine are poised for a dire collision course that could destroy the world โ and the galaxy.ย
“Fall of X” marks the end of the storyline Hickman started in Hox/Pox, but that storyline has already been cemented as a classic, and has sparked more exciting ideas than the X-Men line has seen in decades.ย
Synopsis: Face the future โ and fear the future โ as superstar writer Jonathan Hickman (INFINITY, NEW AVENGERS, FANTASTIC FOUR) changes everything for the X-Men! In HOUSE OF X, Charles Xavier reveals his master plan for mutantkind โ one that will bring mutants out of humankind’s shadow and into the light once more! Meanwhile, POWERS OF X reveals mutantkind’s secret history, changing the way you will look at every X-Men story before and after. But as Xavier sows the seeds of the past, the X-Men’s future blossoms into trouble for all of mutantdom. Stories intertwine on an epic scale as Jonathan Hickman reshapes the X-Men’s past, present and future!
Comic Issues: Powers Of X #1-6, House Of X #1-6.
1. Age of Apocalypse
The “Age of Apocalypse” series of 1995-1996 has stood the test of time as one of the best X-Men events ever โ with good reason. The reset of the entire Marvel Universe reality was done on the shocking twist of Charles Xavier being killed in the past โ by his own son, Legion. Xavier dying in the arms of his friend Erik Lehnsherr, resulting in “Magneto” taking up the noble ideals of his dead friend, as the leader of the X-Men.ย
However, the battle between Xavier, Legion, and Magneto in the past sparked Apocalypse’s mission of mutant supremacy decades earlier than it originally happened; Apocalypse led mutants to conquer North America, and slaughtered millions of humans in genocidal “cullings.” Magneto’s X-Men and their allies led a war against Apocalypse for years; however, the entire reality came under threat, as the changes to the timeline brought back a universal threat the X-Men once prevented.ย
Age of Apocalypse was a hit with the way it explored entirely new versions of X-Men characters in a complete (temporary) relaunch of the entire line of books. The character designs, darker tone, and story/character twists are still influencing X-Men characters and stories, to this day โ not to mention introducing either new characters or character variants that have stuck around for decades.
Synopsis: Charles Xavier is dead โ killed in the past during a time-travel accident โ and without his dream, the present has become a nightmare! Apocalypse rules with an iron fist, ruthlessly enforcing his “survival of the fittest” creed…but hidden among a downtrodden humankind are Magneto’s ragtag freedom fighters: the X-Men! When Bishop, last survivor of the true Marvel Universe, explains how the world went wrong, these embittered mutants must risk everything โ and undertake a dangerous and complex quest โ to put things right!
Comic Issues: ย Uncanny X-Men (1981) #320-321, X-Men (1991) #40-41, Cable (1993) #20, X-Men Alpha (1995) #1, Amazing X-Men (1995) #1-4, Astonishing X-Men (1995) #1-4, Factor X (1995) #1-4, Gambit & the X-Ternals (1995) #1-4, Generation Next (1995) #1-4, Weapon X (1995) #1-4, X-Calibre (1995) #1-4, X-Man (1995) #1-4, X-Men Omega (1995) #1,