Apex Legends: Big Horizon Nerf Coming Soon

03/08/2021 11:29 am EST

Apex Legends has a big Season 8 update on the way, and it should as no surprise that players can expect to see several changes to the game as a result. One character that won't see a substantial change, however, is Horizon. Despite having the best win rate in the title, Horizon won't see much of a change in the Season 8 update. That said, big changes are still on the horizon for, er, Horizon, and a bigger nerf is on the way for the popular character.

In a thread on Reddit, poster Responsible-Screen53 asked the reasoning behind the decision, and was answered by Respawn Entertainment lead game designer Daniel Klein. According to Klein, the answer is really quite simple: the nerf for the character wasn't ready yet, and a bigger one is on the way.

"We weren't ready with the big nerf for Horizon, so we shipped what he had first," Klein replied. "Bigger nerf coming soon, hopefully S9, but no guarantees."

While some fans might be disappointed that Horizon's nerf will take longer than others, it is nice to see Respawn giving players definitive answers when they can! Developers aren't always able to field these types of questions, as there are a lot of changes that happen throughout the development process. Respawn will never be able to make every player happy with the changes made for each Legend, but it's clear that the developer is working hard to maintain a balance that makes the game enjoyable for everyone!

It's worth noting that Season 9 does not have a set release date as of this writing, but it seems likely that it will come in May. For now, players will simply have to settle for the nerfs that have been announced for Season 8, and see what impact those have on the overall gameplay. Caustic seems to be getting the biggest overall changes in the game's new season, but Horizon will see one notable change: the character's Blackhole cooldown has been increased from two minutes to three minutes. Hopefully, that change will make the character a bit less overpowered in the game!

Apex Legends is currently available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. A Nintendo Switch version of the game is set to release March 9th. You can check out all of our previous coverage of the game right here.

Are you playing Apex Legends? Did you hope to see a more substantial nerf to Horizon in Season 8? Let us know in the comments or share directly on Twitter at @Marcdachamp to talk all things gaming!

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