Baldur's Gate 3 Patch 7 Will Allow Fan-Favorite Bard to Join Party For a Limited Time

A certain Bard will be able to temporarily join the Dark Urge's party in Baldur's Gate 3 after Patch case that particular scene isn't already upsetting enough for you.

Larian Studios will introduce additional evil endings content and bug fixes for the Dark Urge in Baldur's Gate 3's Patch 7 in September, and while these changes won't include the opportunity to give Archduke Enver Gortash a smooch (per Larian, babygurl is too busy for that), they will allow for an extra dose of trauma to be sprinkled into the Dark Urge's story. "We may have also let a certain bard now join the party as a controllable character if there's an empty slot, temporarily, of course," the latest community update reads, indicating that players will soon have the opportunity to expand their party by one particular Bard companion. 

If you've already played as the Dark Urge and you know where this is going – keep reading. If you're new to Baldur's Gate 3 or maybe just haven't played as this particular origin character just yet, I'd highly recommend clicking out to save yourself from narrative spoilers from here on. 

If you're still here, you guessed it – the beloved Tiefling Bard Alfira will be available to officially recruit into your party as the Dark Urge should you have available room. As it currently stands, Alfira excitedly asks to join the Dark Urge's party during an early long rest in Act 1, and whether or not you want her to stay she does – and that is ultimately the worst decision the poor Bard has ever made (unless you take extra steps to put another Bard in her place). She doesn't survive the night as the Dark Urge gives into the craving for blood and murder that has been swarming in their brain with the tadpole since waking on the Nautiloid. It's an upsetting way to force the player to accept the reality of these urges, but Larian has decided they can make it a whole lot more upsetting – isn't that nice?

As indicated by the community note, it seems that some of the unused content from a time when Alfira was planned as a companion will be utilized for a limited time after all. As the post states, Alfira will only be able to join "temporarily," so it's likely that if you have a slot available when you first meet her at Emerald Grove she can join you from here, and she will simply meet her early demise when the player takes their long rest...but we won't know for sure what this new content will look like until Patch 7 is implemented this fall.