Kingdom Hearts 4 Will Not Appear at Summer Game Fest

Sorry Kingdom Hearts fans, but don't expect any news this week.

Summer Game Fest is just a few days away, and we're starting to get hints at things to expect from the show. Unfortunately, we also know a game that we shouldn't expect to see this week, and that's Kingdom Hearts 4. Geoff Keighley hosted a recent Q&A Twitch stream about the show, where he fielded some questions about Summer Game Fest. During the stream, Keighley addressed questions about Kingdom Hearts 4. Keighley seemed surprised that people expected an appearance by the game, but made it pretty clear that the Square Enix title will not be appearing. 

"People keep asking about Kingdom Hearts. I don't know why. I guess because we did Final Fantasy Rebirth last year or something like that," said Keighley. "But um... yeah. People are setting themselves up for failure. But it's... you guys can keep hoping." 

Summer Game Fest 2024

As Keighley indicates, Summer Game Fest 2023 did see a new trailer released for Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, so it's understandable why fans might think Kingdom Hearts 4 could appear at this year's show. Sadly, Keighley's answer sounds pretty definitive, and we probably won't be seeing the game anytime soon.  

In the past, Keighley has had to strike a balance between building excitement for shows like The Game Awards and Summer Game Fest while simultaneously keeping expectations in check. That's a difficult balance to strike, and making it clear that Kingdom Hearts won't be at this week's show is probably a good thing. At the very least, it will lead to a lot less viewers feeling burned if they tune in! The show is set to air Friday, June 7th at 1 p.m. PT

Where is Kingdom Hearts 4?

Unfortunately, we have no idea when we'll start to learn more about Kingdom Hearts 4. The game was officially announced more than two years ago, as part of the franchise's 20th anniversary celebration. Fans were treated to a teaser trailer for the game, but nothing has been seen since. Video game development takes a lot of time, and it's not that unusual for a developer to go silent for a few years following an announcement. Still, Kingdom Hearts fans are clearly eager for some kind of news, but it seems like it could be a while before it happens. Thankfully, fans have Kingdom Hearts Missing-Link to look forward to this year, and there's also the Steam releases for the first three games in the series. Hopefully those things will help tide fans over while they wait. 

Did you think Kingdom Hearts 4 would be at Summer Game Fest? When do you think the game will be released? Share your thoughts with me directly on Twitter at @Marcdachamp, on Bluesky at @Marcdachamp, or on Instagram at @Dachampgaming!

[H/T: Nintendo Life, @Xenosaga7]