On Monday, Hasbro launched a 13-inch tall Surtur figure from Thor: Raganarok in their Marvel Legends The Infinity Saga lineup. Now they're finishing the week with another big release - the Infinity Saga Iron Monger and Obadiah Stane 2-Pack. The Obadiah Stane figure stands at the standard 6-inches, so the image above illustrates just how massive that Iron Monger figure truly is.
The 2-pack is based on the events of the 2008 Iron Man film, which starred Jeff Bridges as Obadiah Stane - the longtime #2 at Stark Industries and interim CEO after Howard Stark's death. Tony Stark took over the position shortly thereafter, which did not sit well with Stane. The Iron Monger armor was Stane's attempt to eliminate Tony Stark and regain his position.
Pre-orders for the Marvel Legends Infinity Saga Iron Monger and Obadiah Stane 2-Pack are live here at Entertainment Earth for $73.99. The release date is set for August. In addition to the figures, the set includes accessories like a suitcase, alternate hands, an arc reactor, and blast effects. Additional images are available in the gallery below. UPDATE: A new Captain America Marvel Legends exclusive figure has also gone up for pre-order. Details are available here.
Marvel has been all about new toys based on the first 23 films in the Marvel Cinematic Universe lately. If you haven't been keeping up with these releases, here's a refresher:
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