Power Rangers: Amy Jo Johnson Responds to Fans About Once & Always Absence

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers is returning for a special reunion for the 30th Anniversary of the Power Rangers franchise, and original Pink Ranger actress Amy Jo Johnson is responding to fans asking her about her absence in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Once & Always! The Power Rangers 30th Anniversary special will be coming to Netflix later this Spring, and part of the main draw is that it will be featuring members of the original cast returning for one final adventure. But as fans saw the first trailer for Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Once & Always, there were lots of questions about the returning cast involved. 

One of the major aspects fans of the classic Mighty Morphin Power Rangers run pointed out was that while Catherine Sutherland is a major Pink Ranger also returning for the special, fans had been wondering where Amy Jo Johnson (who played Kimberly in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers) was during the special. Johnson had responded to fans asking this question before, but took to Twitter to further clarify her stance and support of those in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Once & Always

Power Rangers: Amy Jo Johnson Explains Absence

"Please stop saying I didn't do reunion because of money Simply not true," Johnson explained. "Maybe I just didn't want to wear spandex in my 50s or couldn't go to [New Zealand] for a month. Or none of ur beeswax" Johnson then elaborated to explain to those wondering why she and former Tommy Oliver actor Jason David Frank were both missing from the special because it was filmed before he passed away, "[Jason David Frank] & I both chose not to for our own reasons. They filmed before he passed."

Noting that Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Once & Always was filmed before Jaosn David Frank's passing and both she and Frank had passed on it beforehand, Johnson did go on to hype up David Yost and Walter Jones' return for the Power Rangers 30th Anniversary event special. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Once & Always premieres on Netflix on April 19th, and it's teased as such: 

"In Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Once & Alwaysthirty years after the wise and powerful Zordon formed the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, the team comes face to face with a familiar threat from the past. In the midst of a global crisis, they are called on once again to be the heroes the world needs. Inspired by the legendary mantra from the franchise 'Once a Ranger, Always a Ranger,' Once & Always reminds everyone when you become a Ranger, you are always a part of the Ranger family and always welcome."

How do you feel about Amy Jo Johnson missing out on Power Rangers' 30th Anniversary special? Let us know all of your thoughts about it in the comments!