Arnold Schwarzenegger Offers FUBAR Season 2 Update After Pacemaker Reveal

Arnold Schwarzenegger says his new pacemaker won't stop production on Season 2 of his Netflix series FUBAR.

The pacemaker that Arnold Schwarzenegger was outfitted with won't interrupt the second season of his Netflix series FUBAR. The former Governor of California and action star finally starred in his first TV series, the comedy FUBAR for Netflix. FUBAR was so well received that it was renewed for Season 2 in June of last year. As the "Chief Action Officer" of Netflix, Schwarzenegger has some big shoes to fill, but it's understandable if he needed some time to recuperate after receiving a pacemaker. But this is Arnold Schwarzenegger, the Terminator we're talking about. He's let all of his supporters know he's good to go for more FUBAR.

"Thank you! I've gotten so many kind messages from all over the world, but a lot of people have asked if my pacemaker will cause any problems with FUBAR Season 2," Arnold Schwarzenegger wrote on X (formerly Twitter). "Absolutely not. I will be ready to film in April, and you can only see it if you're really looking for it." Schwarzenegger also shared a photo of a "DANGER HIGH VOLTAGE" device strapped to his chest, which is supposed to represent the pacemaker that's actually inside his body. He obviously has not lost his sense of humor. You can check out the post below.

Arnold Schwarzenegger makes FUBAR star feel like part of the team

Aparna Brielle is a data analyst who also finds herself helping the CIA in FUBAR, which means she gets to work with Arnold Schwarzenegger's Luke Brenner, who is getting ready to retire from the CIA but gets tied up in one last mission. spoke to Aparna Brielle ahead of FUBAR's release on Netflix, where she recalled how Schwarzenegger helped relieve her nerves on set.

When asked if Schwarzenegger had perhaps complimented Brielle on her biceps, she replied, "Yeah, well, no. First of all, unlike Arnold, I need to get my fitness in check because I am so not. I was playing video games in my off time. But no, I think the moment, funnily enough, that I feel like Arnold made me feel like part of the family was when we were shooting the scene all day long, I had a ton of verbiage I had to say, and then we came back from lunch and they added one word for me and it's a whole paragraph and I couldn't do it."

She added, "I kept messing up. I was tired after lunch and I kept saying the wrong word, getting Spoonerism, and it was so bad. And I was like, 'This is the worst, worst acting I've ever done.' And Arnold was cracking up at my pain. Then, he patted me on the back and he was like, 'You're part of the team now.'"