The Chainsaw Devil and the War Devil aren’t the only supernatural beings having a role in part two of Chainsaw Man. While the Primordial Fears the Falling Devil and Famine have been finding their way into Denji’s life, there has been one other devil that has been draped in mystery and seems to hold an appearance close to Denji himself. In the latest chapter, we are given quite the cliffhanger as it seems that some mysteries are preparing to be revealed from mangaka Tatsuki Fujimoto.
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Warning. If you have yet to read the latest chapter of the Chainsaw Man manga, Chapter 128, you might want to steer clear as we’ll be diving into spoiler territory. There has been a fraudulent Chainsaw Man running around the pages of the second half of Chainsaw Man. The biggest thing that this doppelganger has done so far is kill Yuko, Asa’s best friend who allowed the Justice Devil to take control of her body in a misguided effort to save her friend. While there are a few candidates when it comes to who this new Chainsaw Devil might be, it would seem that Denji’s duplicate is looking out for the original.

A Chainsaw Twin
Unfortunately, Denji was unable to convince Asa to stop herself from falling, landing them both in the Falling Devil’s domain. Luckily for the pair of unlikely allies, they are saved by the fraudulent Chainsaw Man, placing more questions on just who this newcomer is. Despite their identity remaining a mystery, it would seem that the doppelganger arrived just in time, giving Denji himself some marching orders.
“The Falling Devil has not tolerance for diners who leave their food unfinished. They’ll desperately try to devour Asa Mitaka, lest they be killed by the Falling Devil. Please evade them until sunrise Chainsaw Man.”
The Chainsaw Man anime hit the ground floor running in 2022. Becoming one of the biggest new anime adaptations, the series has yet to confirm that a second season is on the way. Hopefully, 2023 will give anime fans a hint as to whether we’ll see Denji and his fellow Devil Hunters make a comeback.
Who do you think this new Chainsaw Man truly is? Do you think that Denji and Asa can survive a night of unholy terrors? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of the Chainsaw Devil.