JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure’s latest anime season followed the story of Jolyne Cujoh as she attempted to clear her name while surviving Stand Battles in a maximum security prison. Thanks to the conclusion of the Stone Ocean, the JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure universe is a very different place. While Jolyne won’t be making a comeback to the anime any time soon, the anime franchise hasn’t forgotten about Jotaro Kujo’s daughter as a new Stone Ocean Escape Room is planning to open its doors.
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This isn’t the first time that JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure has created a unique escape room in Japan, as the anime franchise had done the same for both Stardust Crusaders and the Golden Wind. Titled “Escape From JoJo’s Bizarre Hotel” and “Escape from JoJo’s Bizarre Museum”, the two previous Escape Rooms didn’t just feature new artwork created for the respective experiences but actually created two new villains for each Jotaro and Giorno to tangle with. For the upcoming Stone Ocean Escape Room, the same will be true for Jolyne as a new antagonist will be created and the experience has already shared new art for the return of Stone Free’s wielder.
Stone Ocean Escape Room
The Escape Room has an official website that breaks down the details when it comes to stepping into Jolyne Cujoh’s shoes. Titled “Escape From JoJo’s Bizarre Nightmare”, the experience will pop up in several locations in Japan, including Sendai, Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka, and Okayama. Unfortunately, the Escape Room hasn’t revealed any plans so far for bringing the experience to anime fans in North America.
David Production has yet to confirm what the future holds for the anime adaptation that has followed the Joestars for over a decade at this point. If the television series continues to follow the manga as its source material, the next arc would be Steel Ball Run. Taking place in an alternate reality that focuses on a cross-country horse race, the seventh storyline is considered to be one of the best arcs of the franchise. As JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure continues to gain popularity worldwide, it might only be a matter of time before news arrives as to the anime’s return.
Would you love to try out this JoJo Escape Room? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of the Joestars.