My Hero Academia revealed just how long it will be until Tomura Shigaraki’s power is truly complete with the cliffhanger from the newest chapter of the series! The Final Act of Kohei Horikoshi’s original manga series has spent the majority of its first phase focusing on how Izuku Midoriya had been responding to the chaos set by All For One and Shigaraki following the Paranormal Liberation War, and now that Izuku has finally found a place to settle for now, the series has shifted its focus to the other pro heroes as they get ready for their next step.ย
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Surprising fans, All Might, and the other heroes alike, this new phase of the series has been kicked off by the actions of Hero Killer Stain. It was teased in the previous chapter that he had some game-changing new information for All Might (along with a letter sharing his devout feelings for the hero he continues to idolize), and the newest chapter of the series revealed what that information actually was. It turns out it’s going to be a huge help for the heroes as it updated the timeline to which Shigaraki’s control of All For One’s power within his body is going to be complete and it’s a much shorter timeline than any of the heroes could have expected.ย

Chapter 328 of the series goes back in time to when All For One was demolishing Taratarus and revealed that Stain actually came across some information that the guards had been keeping safe and secret for the heroes. It’s soon discovered that a message had been passed between All For One and Shigaraki through radio waves where he stated he wanted Shigaraki to be complete within 38 days. The heroes had assumed they had two more months, but All Might figures this is a bluff.
He infers that All For One and Shigaraki would only talk about the real schedule with one another, and that means that from the time they sent this message to the present day, Shigaraki will actually be complete vessel in just three days time. This means that the threat from the villains is far more palpable than ever, and the heroes are in for yet another string of terrible events and fights as Shigaraki and All For One will quickly begin making their move in such a short time.ย
What this means for the series is still unknown, but if this three day timeline is correct, the heroes are going to need to act quickly and might need some help to do it. But what do you think of this new timeline? Curious to see what a complete power Shigaraki is going to look like as a fully functioning vessel for All For One? Let us know all of your thoughts about it in the comments! You can even reach out to me directly about all things animated and other cool stuff @Valdezology on Twitter!